
Материал из SS220
Версия от 04:48, 21 октября 2023; imported>Rootoo (New Operative Gamemode PR (A Ninja Rework) #33913)
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Reason: WIP (as of 10/21/23)
Сложность: Hard
Глава: Nobody
Обязанности: Covertly infiltrate the Torch. Sneak around invisibly and harass the crew. Accidentally stab yourself with your own katana.
Рекомендуемые руководства: Guide to Uplinks, Guide to Combat, Guide to EVA and Internals: Hardsuits

An Operative (formerly Ninja) is an off-ship antagonist, acting solo or in pairs. As an Operative, you are an elite agent acting on behalf of one of several shadowy interest groups. Operatives have a variety of unique abilities at their disposal thanks to a highly-advanced hardsuit, as well as an uplink and an ample selection of support equipment available at the Operative Base.

As an antagonist, an Operative's primary goal is to antagonize the crew of the SEV Torch in addition to pursuing their employer's directives.

Starting Out


Factions and Gear

Operative Type Appearance Description Loadout Kit Contents
Solar Special Operations Unit Operative Sol.png TBD
Gilgameshi Commando Operative GCC.png TBD
Syndicate Mercenary Operative Mercenary.png TBD
  • Crimson hardsuit control module
  • A standard 10mm revolver and two Standard Speedloaders
  • Combat turtleneck
  • Syndicate gas mask
Corporate Operative Operative Corporate.png TBD
  • Corporate mercenary suit control module
  • Energy Gun
  • Inducer
  • Corporate security uniform
  • Holobadge
Spider-Clan Ninja Operative Ninja.png A classic ninja. Comes with a katana.

The ominous hardsuit comes with a cloaking module capable of rendering the wearer totally invisible, as well as a teleporter, an energy net launcher for capturing targets, and a built-in energy blade, in case the katana wasn't enough sword.

КапитанГлава персоналаАдъютантАгент внутренних дел
Инженерный департамент
Главный инженерСтарший инженерИнженерИнженер-стажёр
Лидер ЭКПилот ЭКИсследователь
Медицинский департамент
Главный врачХирургКонсультантВрачХимикИнтерн
Департамент исследований
Chief Science OfficerResearch AssistantRoboticistScientistSenior Researcher
Департамент Службы безопасности
Глава службы безопасностиСмотрительКриминалистОфицер службы безопасности
Сервисный департамент
КапелланШеф-стюардСтюардСанитарный техникАссистент
Департамент снабжения
КвартирмейстерГрузчикСтарательПомощник снабжения
ГенокрадКультистЛоялистНаемникМятежникОперативникЗахватчикРенегатПредательВокс Рейдер