
Материал из SS220
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Сложность: Easy
Глава: The Chief Steward and the Executive Officer
Альтернативные должности: Cook, Culinary Specialist, Bartender
Обязанности: Man the galley. Serve food and drinks for the crew. Refuse to tell where the meat comes from.
Рекомендуемые руководства: Guide to Cooking, Guide to Hydroponics, Guide to Drinks

The Steward is the manager of the Torch's galley and mess hall, responsible for cooking meals for the crew and keeping them inebriated enough to comprehend the daily horrors of their existence. Stewards fills the role of a cook, a barkeep, and a host – they are not only tasked with running the ship's kitchen and bar, but also with making the mess hall a pleasant, welcoming place to eat, drink, and hang out.

As an enlisted member of the Service department, the Steward answers to the Chief Steward and the Executive Officer, though the Chief Steward is the far more active of the two in this regard.

Starting Out

As Steward, you have access to both the kitchen and bar. Dependent on your title selection (and whether or not you have a co-worker), you might choose to focus on either cooking or bartending, or to split your time between both.

Whichever route you choose, it is also suggested you try and roleplay with the people who enter your mess hall. You're a host, after all – spark conversation, ask the crew how their day was, make up some specials, and overall, make people's dining experience fun! Or play a crotchety grump who riles the crew up to arms by serving soggy military rations. Have some fun with the role.


Main Article: Guide to Cooking

Available to you is a fully-stocked kitchen and freezer, where there are a couple fridges and a cabinet of essential ingredients, such as milk, meat, eggs, flour, and sugar. At roundstart, you might want to consider what recipes you want to prepare for the shift and begin preparing accordingly – dough, cheese, and meat cutlets are all common ingredients to have on-hand. For more information on recipes, see Guide to Cooking.

You'll also want to visit Hydroponics, which is where plants are grown – this room supplies most of your produce. At the start of the round, it's recommended you plant several, multiple-harvest plants such as tomatoes or apples in the trays, for later usage. Other plants can be grown at your leisure.

To help with harvesting duties, you can ask a Roboticist to make you a Farmbot, which will help water, fertilize, and weed the trays. If a Crewman or Passenger (or even a diona nymph) is looking for something to do, you can enlist them to help tend to the plants you require.

Once you're ready to start cooking, you'll need some gear. Most of what you need is stored in the vending machine in the kitchen. Several items will be particularly important:

  • A kitchen knife, for slicing pizzas, cakes, dough, and vegetables.
  • A rolling pin, for rolling dough
  • Mixing bowls, for combining ingredients to make things like dough and cheese
  • A pitcher, for keeping water on hand

You'll want to prepare a variety of food to keep your customers satisfied. Several crewmembers may have dietary restrictions both mechanically and roleplay-wise, so it's advised you keep a healthy stock of vegetarian/vegan meals on hand, or be ready to prepare something special.

You can also add sauces to dishes to flavor your food. Barbecue sauce, vinegar, and mayonnaise are all such examples. Keep in mind that you don't need to exclusively make microwaved recipes; combining food with the oven, deep fryer, or grill, you can make things like candy, cereal, flavored pancakes, and garlic bread. Don't be afraid to experiment once you've got a good stock of food in the display case.


Main Article: Guide to Drinks

In addition, you are responsible for manning the ship's bar. Here, you will mix drinks as requested by personnel and hand them over to be consumed. You don't charge for drinks, but your patrons may leave tips if they so desire.

A list of drinks and how to properly prepare them can be found under Guide to Drinks. In order to mix up your cocktails (and non-alcoholic beverages), you have the following tools available:

  • The booze dispenser, for dispensing a variety of alcohol.
  • A soft drink dispenser, for non-alcoholic drinks.
  • A coffee dispenser, for dispensing hot drinks and other similar beverages.
  • A microlathe that produces the various types of glasses you will need.
  • A Booze-O-Mat, for dispensing some higher quality drinks not found in your typical booze dispenser. This also contains the base for some alien drinks.
  • A shaker. This can be filled with the reagents for a mixed drink and shaken by clicking on it; it has a lot more space than your average glass, making it a better choice to mix drinks in.

Additionally, some drink ingredients must be grown in Hydroponics – you can also spice up your drink glasses by adding fruit slices or straws (found in the Booze-O-Mat). Feel free to grow a few plants if you plan on using any.

It is suggested that (much like in real life) you pry the bottle away from people who get a little too drunk. Alternatively, you can ask the medical department for some Ethylredoxrazine, to keep death by liver failure at bay while the paramedics show up.

Other bartending tips:

  • You can change the bar's sign by clicking on it with your ID in the active hand.
  • Some materials for mixing drinks, such as uranium or toxin, must be acquired by heading to Supply, Chemistry, or other departments. Make sure to be very clear about what you need it for, and indeed, be careful when mixing said drinks - it can easily get Security looking at you funny should you poison your patrons.


While as a Steward you don't have access to particularly robust gear by default, you do have knives, cleavers, a butchering rack, and a meat grinder that, if e-magged, can be made to accept human meat (for quick disposal of bodies). Keep in mind, however, tampering with your own food and drink is likely to get security to notice you fairly quickly, unless you can pull off a good alibi and keep it that way.