
Материал из SS220
Версия от 20:34, 27 марта 2023; imported>Rootoo (Created)
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The Pharmacist is the member of Medical staff responsible for creating medications for the Physicians and Medical Technicians to use. They do little, if anything, in the way of hands-on doctoring, and are primarily concerned with making sure that the rest of the department has the drugs necessary to do their jobs. They also fill prescriptions for any member of the crew that requires them and can create a variety of interesting non-medicinal concoctions in their laboratory if the need arises.

As a contractor, the Pharmacist answers directly to the Chief Medical Officer, and indirectly, any enlisted personnel or commissioned officers in the medical department.

Starting Out

IMPORTANT: Never smoke in the laboratory! A misclick on a beaker with even trace amounts of Phoron can result in a nice trip to DeadChat.

A good chemist is an extremely useful asset to the medical department, as they take a load off the shoulders of the physicians or Chief Medical Officer, who usually has better things to do that isn't spending time in the pharmacy. A bad chemist, on the other hand, is a liability to the department, and by proxy, the whole station for not getting the medicines in on time.

Tools of the Trade

  • The Chemical Dispenser dispenses the basic chemicals you require in order to mix more chemicals. If you run out of a reagent (usually acetone or carbon), you can order more from Supply. Use the screwdriver on the Chem Dispenser to take out an empty reagent container.
  • The ChemMaster 3000 can separate chemicals (how accurate it is at doing it depends on your chemistry skill), and can produce a limitless supply of pills (which go up to 30u) and bottles (which contain up to 60u). You can customize the shape of bottles and pills by clicking on their picture in the pop-up menu. Bottles of medicine are much preferred to pills.
  • The All-In-One Grinder can be used to grind things down to base chemical components, such as pills (useful for acquiring Dylovene and Inaprovaline), alien plants (which often contain useful reagents), and even food.
  • The chemical heater and cooler are important for creating medications that require heat or cold to properly react.

You start with three large beakers, one being insulated, that hold 120u. There are also two boxes of 60u beakers, one insulated, one not. You can also pester science for some upgraded ones; a cryostasis beaker, which prevents chemical reactions from happening in it, and a bluespace beaker, which holds 300u. This is very useful for making Peridaxon or Alkysine.

Your locker also contains a random assortment of pill bottles that can be useful for grinding, as well as a beaker of 30u of Cryoxadone. This can be very useful if you're creating Peridaxon, or a superior chemical mix for the cryo tubes.

In medical storage, which is down the ladder right next to the cryotubes in the ETC, you can find various bottles of pills in the crates that you can grind. Filling the grinder with Inaprovaline and Dylovene pills can make making the essentials like Bicaridine and Alkysine much smoother, and make you much less annoying to Supply.

How To Do Your Job

Your first priority is preparing chemicals for Medical to use before going off on your own chemistry adventures. Your essentials, which should generally be in liquid, bottled form, are:

  • Tramadol, an opioid painkiller
  • Bicaridine, which heals brute damage
  • Dexalin Plus or Dexalin, which supplies oxygen to the brain in case of lung trauma (Dexalin Plus is vastly preferred – Dexalin is usually only used to produce Dexalin Plus).
  • Kelotane/Dermaline, which heals burn damage. Dermaline is a more effective Kelotane. A common strategy is to mix both of these in a 1:1 mixture referred to as KeloDerm, boosting its effectiveness.
  • Hyronalin and its more powerful counterpart, Arithrazine, anti-rads
  • Alkysine, heals brain damage if blood oxygenation is <=85%
  • Peridaxon, which can heal organ damage (that isn't the brain) and revive necrotic organs

Non-essential but still useful chemicals are:

  • Oxycodone, a surgical-grade painkiller
  • Imidazoline, heals eye damage (useful for someone who forgot to weld with goggles)
  • Ryetalyn, which heals disabilities and mutations (like spontaneous deafness)
  • Synaptizine, treats hallucinations (highly toxic; never give more than 5u at a time)
  • Ethylredoxrazine, which neutralizes alcohol in the blood
  • Adrenaline, which can restart a flatlining heart
  • NanoBlood, which can restore blood volume level

At the very least, you should produce enough bottles of Tramadol, Bicaridine, Dexalin Plus, and KeloDerm for each Medical Technician and Physician to have a set. The rest can be made in smaller quantities; Oxycodone and Peridaxon need only two bottles, one for each operating room.

Medicines that need extremely small doses to take effect, like Synaptizine and Ryetalyn, can be made into pills and bottled. Your locker contains extra pill bottles and there is a hand labeller on your desk.

If you want to be extremely helpful, combine 20u of Cryoxadone, 20u of Clonexadone, and 20u of Nanite Fluid in a bottle to replace the Cryoxadone that starts out in the cryotubes. As Cryoxadone and Clonexadone have a different metabolic rate, they work twice as effectively together, and Nanite Fluid is helpful in repairing synthetic or assisted organs.

Handing Out Other Things

  • From a roleplay perspective, some characters may have prescriptions for medications (like Citalopram, Methylphenidate) that they may ask you to fill. Either the Physicians will give you the details (on what amount you need to make), the character themselves will tell you, or you can check their medical records for details.
  • The Sanitation Technician may come by and request a refill on their space cleaner.
  • Never trust anybody asking for space lube.

If you're feeling particularly antsy about Explorer Schmuckenstein asking for a full beaker of potassium but can't think of a good reason to deny them, you can have them sign a form stating their intent. Make sure to get their signature on the paper saying they wanted a certain, incriminating chemical; it can save your job if security comes knocking at your door.

Tips for Antagonizing

  • You have access to some of the most dangerous materials on the Torch; if you're robust enough, you might not even need to spend telecrystals on a toxin kit. Medical storage contains a syringe gun and cartridges which you can load with toxins, sedatives, or even space drugs, should you feel inclined.
  • Good for kidnapping or hostage-taking are Vercuronium Bromide, which paralyzes the target and permits them only to whisper, or Chloral Hydrate, an extremely powerful sedative that can knock a target out near-instantly. Be careful, as too much can stop your hostage's heart.
  • It's easy to poison a target's food by injecting some variety of toxins into your preferred target's food; just be careful you don't spike the wrong guy's dish.
  • Hyperzine can make you extremely fast in a pinch, but can also cause heart damage due to your high BPM. You can also become addicted to it.
  • For a less-action oriented antag, you have the ability to create Hextromycosalinate, Hyperzine, and Oxycodone and Tramadol. Start a drug ring!