
Материал из SS220
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Сложность: Medium
Глава: Chief Engineer
Альтернативные должности: Mechsuit Technician
Обязанности: Build cyborgs, mechs, and suits of all kinds. Transplant brains into cyborgs or FBPs. Repair damaged prosthetics and robots.
Рекомендуемые руководства: Guide to Robotics, Prosthetics

The ship Roboticist is primarily concerned with the production and maintenance of the Torch's ship-bound synthetics and IPCs. They may also be called upon to build a variety of exosuits, repair prosthetic limbs on various crew members, or transplant someone's brain into a Full Body Prosthetic (FBP).

As part of the Engineering department, the Roboticist answers to the Chief Engineer.

The Role

Almost all of the Roboticist's work will take place within the Robotics laboratory, which contains a variety of fabricator units suitable for the production of anything required for the job, as well as various other supplies suitable for the production and maintenance of autonomous robotic and cyborg units. At any given moment, the Roboticist's primary concern is generally to repair whatever synthetics need repairing, or helping out various crew members with damaged prosthetics. When that is not required, they generally concern themselves with filling orders for exosuits placed by various other departments, or constructing things like farmbots or medibots to assist the rest of the crew in their duties.

Cyborgification and Full Body Prosthetics

Occasionally, Medical may receive a patient that simply cannot be saved through normal means. On rarer occasions, something more unusual may come up. In either case, the Roboticist may be tasked with taking a patient's brain and implanting it into a new, synthetic body.

Usually, the ship's Physicians will handle the surgery necessary to actually extract the brain from the body. Once the brain has been extracted and placed within an MMI, the Roboticist must assemble a Full Body Prosthetic (FBP) to implant it into, thus giving the player a new body to use.

Research and You

When the shift begins, Robotics has fairly limited production capabilities. What exosuits and other units can be produced depends on the ship's Scientists undertaking Research and Development work to raise the tech levels of the ship, then syncing their work with the ship servers to make it available to the Robotics machines. In essence, the more work Research does, the more impressive the things that Robotics can produce. The two departments therefore share something of a symbiotic relationship, and it is important for the two of them to coordinate when certain supplies are urgently needed.

It is common practice for more experienced Scientists to ask Robotics for three exosuit-mounted syringe guns for use in Research and Development, among other supplies. When the supplies are available, it may be prudent for a Roboticist to directly inquire with Research about producing these in advance, in order to speed things up.


Traitoring as a Roboticist is fun and easy, especially since you spawn with flashes and authorization (and, often, encouragement) to build very dangerous machines. You have access to quite an array of valuable supplies from the get-go, and, if anything more is required, you can easily Emag your various creations before sending them out onto the ship to sow chaos and madness. Doing this to a cyborg unit (after unlocking and opening the cover beforehand) will result in your very own homicidal robot slave, to do with as you please.

КапитанГлава персоналаАдъютантАгент внутренних дел
Инженерный департамент
Главный инженерСтарший инженерИнженерИнженер-стажёр
Лидер ЭКПилот ЭКИсследователь
Медицинский департамент
Главный врачХирургКонсультантВрачХимикИнтерн
Департамент исследований
Chief Science OfficerResearch AssistantRoboticistScientistSenior Researcher
Департамент Службы безопасности
Глава службы безопасностиСмотрительКриминалистОфицер службы безопасности
Сервисный департамент
КапелланШеф-стюардСтюардСанитарный техникАссистент
Департамент снабжения
КвартирмейстерГрузчикСтарательПомощник снабжения
ГенокрадКультистЛоялистНаемникМятежникОперативникЗахватчикРенегатПредательВокс Рейдер