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Senior Engineer
Senior Engineer
Сложность: Hard
Глава: Chief Engineer
Обязанности: Be the Chief Engineer's right hand. Handle day-to-day operations of the Engineering department. Ensure that orders are carried out quickly and efficiently. Put out the dead Engineer on fire in the engine room.
Рекомендуемые руководства: Guide to Atmospherics, Guide to Computing, Guide to Construction, Guide to Hacking, Guide to the R-UST, Guide to Robotics, Guide to SMES Units, Guide to Solars, Guide to the Supermatter, Guide to Telecommunications

The Senior Engineer is the most senior and experienced enlisted member of the standard Engineering crew aboard the SEV Torch, and is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the department. They are in charge of seeing that the rest of the schlubs in the department know what they're supposed to be doing, and that they are actually doing so quickly and professionally. It is their job to translate the Chief Engineer's orders into actions, and to oversee those actions to be certain that everything is done correctly.

They are the executive to the Chief Engineer's administrator, the Sergeant to the commissioned officer, the one that turns the list of priorities and instructions into actual work by the rest of the department. They are the middle-man between the CE and the rest of Engineering, and they should coordinate closely with both.

As a senior enlisted crew member, the Senior Engineer answers directly to the Chief Engineer.

The Role

The Senior Engineer is, generally speaking, the most experienced and highest-ranking of the standard department staff. As such, the regular Engineers look to them for instruction and guidance on most technical matters. While their knowledge base is not expected to be as wide-ranging or exhaustive as the Chief Engineer's, they should have at least a functional understanding of the engine, atmospherics, and power management, as well as basic construction.

In the absence of a Chief Engineer, the Senior Engineer is entirely responsible for department operations. When a Chief Engineer is present, they are still the one generally held responsible for ensuring that things are done quickly and correctly. They should instruct the standard Engineers when needed, and when the Chief Engineer issues an order for a special construction project, they will generally act as the foreman, assigning specific duties to other department staff and making sure that they are carried out.

This does not mean, however, that the Senior Engineer is expected to simply sit back and issue orders. They are an executive, not an administrator. They are fully expected to get into the manual labor required by the department when necessary. They are just also expected to act as adviser and guide to the rest of staff in addition to this.

The Senior Engineer is also the only member of the department staff, aside from the Chief Engineer themselves, who has access to Telecommunications. The care and maintenance of these systems is the Senior Engineer's responsibility.