
Материал из SS220
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Difficulty: Not defined
Supervisor: Not defined
Branches: Not defined
Ranks: Not defined
Duties: Not defined
Related Guides: Not defined

This template is intended to be at the top of each of the jobs pages to provide a basic overview of each job.

Meaning of parameters

headerbgcolor is the background color of the upper part which spans the entire width of the screen. This should be a dark color.
headerfontcolor is the font color of the same part as headerbgcolor
stafftype is the word that is added before STAFF. So adding the word MAINTENANCE here yields MAINTENANCE STAFF. Intended to be in caps.
imagebgcolor is the background color of the space behind the image and the job title. this should be a light color as the job title is always black.
img is the in-action image file, without the "File:" or "Image:" prefix. (see examples below)
branches represent the branches the position is eligible, usually Expeditionary Corps, Fleet, or Civilian.
branches represent the ranks position can hold.
jobtitle, difficulty, superior, duties, and guides are self-explanatory.


Example of the finished product. Check the source code for the code that generated the thing below. Please document any changes you make to the template code in the parameters and usage sections.

No image defined:

[[File:{{{img}}}|64x64px|Bridge Officer]]
Bridge Officer
Difficulty: Easy
Supervisor: The Commanding Officer and heads of staff
Branches: Expeditionary Corps, Sol Central Government Fleet
- EC: Ensign (O-6)
- Fleet: Ensign (O-1)
Duties: Be an extra pair of eyes, ears, and hands for the CO. Pilot the Torch and other shuttle craft if needed. Gather information and pass it to the appropriate member of Command. Be general assistance for the bridge crew.
Related Guides: How to Sol Gov Guide, Standard Operating Procedure, Alert Procedure, Sol Central Government Law, Sol Code of Uniform Justice, Uniform Guide, Guide to Ships

Image defined:

Bridge Officer
Bridge Officer
Difficulty: Easy
Supervisor: The Commanding Officer and heads of staff
Branches: Expeditionary Corps, Sol Central Government Fleet
- EC: Ensign (O-6)
- Fleet: Ensign (O-1)
Duties: Be an extra pair of eyes, ears, and hands for the CO. Pilot the Torch and other shuttle craft if needed. Gather information and pass it to the appropriate member of Command. Be general assistance for the bridge crew.
Related Guides: How to Sol Gov Guide, Standard Operating Procedure, Alert Procedure, Sol Central Government Law, Sol Code of Uniform Justice, Uniform Guide, Guide to Ships