Руководство по аномалиям: различия между версиями
imported>Rootoo (PR #33305: Chemical triggers are now more accepting of chemicals) |
м (Sherlock220 переименовал страницу Guide to Anomalies в Руководство по аномалиям: перевод) |
(не показано 6 промежуточных версий 3 участников) | |||
Строка 1: | Строка 1: | ||
{{Требуется перевод}} | |||
Если вы не догадались по названию, то это руководство по выявлению и активации аномалий. Будьте внимательны, это руководство превратит активацию аномалий в простое дело, поэтому спросите себя - нравится ли вам мистика и загадочность каждой аномалии, которую вы откапываете? Если ответ на этот вопрос - "да", то вам стоит прекратить чтение. Для остальных - руководство ниже. | |||
== | == Виды обнаруженных аномалий == | ||
Когда в игре появляется аномальная находка, она выбирается из списка различных типов. Каждый тип имеет свой шанс спауна, который определяет, насколько удачливым (скорее, неудачливым) нужно быть, чтобы получить ее. Чем выше шанс спавна, тем выше шанс, что вы ее откопаете. Так что в следующий раз, когда вы решите: "Эй, не думаю, что этот клондайк космического медведя был такой уж удачной находкой", помните - вам действительно повезло, что вы его нашли! | |||
Примечание: Аномалия имеет чрезвычайно большое разнообразие обликов. Если вы нашли на раскопках или полёта [[Исследователь|ЭК]] что-то странное, чего нет в этом списке, это, скорее всего, аномалия. | |||
{| class="wikitable sortable" | {| class="wikitable sortable" | ||
! | !Имя | ||
! | !Пример внешности | ||
! | !Шанс спауна | ||
!Description | !Description | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Supermatter | !Ядро Суперматерии | ||
| | |[[File:Supermatter.png|frameless]] | ||
|0.36% | | 0.36% | ||
| | |Очень редко можно откопать ядро СМ. Ядро суперматерии, как и двигатель корабля, - это светящийся, радиоактивный, чрезвычайно смертоносный кристалл, который быстро дестабилизируется и взрывается при неправильном обращении. | ||
* | * Любое прямое прикосновение к ядру СМ- например, особенно глупого Ученого - мгновенно превратит жертву в мелкий пепел. Это также активирует ядро сверхматерии (см. ниже). | ||
* | * Стрельба, удары, бросание предметов в ядро суперматерии или иное взаимодействие с ним активирует его. Активный кристалл суперматерии испускает огромное количество тепла, радиации и легковоспламеняющегося кислородно-форонного газа. Это не только убьет всех, кто находится поблизости и не имеет надлежащей защиты, но и приведет к перегреву и расслоению ядра, которое взорвется мощным радиационным взрывом и уничтожит всю находящуюся поблизости электронику (включая ваш шаттл). | ||
* | * Даже смотреть на ядро сверхматерии опасно - прямой взгляд на сверхматерию без мезонов вызовет галлюцинации, которые должны быть исправлены медиками. | ||
Короче говоря: не трогайте ядро сверхматерии, не бросайте в него предметы, не стреляйте в него, даже не проводите слишком много времени в непосредственной близости, если можете этого избежать. В идеале расскажите об этом Инженерам - если не всем по общему каналу, - чтобы они могли держаться подальше от смертельного камня. | |||
|- | |- | ||
!Construct | ! Конструкционная оболочка | ||
| | |[[File:Construct shell.png|frameless]] | ||
|0.36% | | 0.36% | ||
| | |Нечестивая (но пустая) машина, используемая теми, кто владеет оккультизмом. Обычно используется только [[Cult|культистами]]. | ||
Если вам удастся раздобыть осколок души (его можно найти - редко - на раскопках) и захватить с его помощью душу (для этого нужно, чтобы кто-то умер), вы сможете использовать осколок души вместе с оболочкой конструкции для создания культовой конструкции. Только не забудьте спросить разрешения у администратора, если вы не антагонист - осколки души требуют смерти, и поэтому не стоит использовать их легкомысленно. | |||
|- | |- | ||
!Ominous | !Зловещий маяк | ||
| | |[[File:Ominous beacon.png|frameless]] | ||
|0.36% | |0.36% | ||
| | |О, детка! Разве это не было бы забавной находкой в Расширенном? Маяк может превратить любого в [[Traitor|Предателя]] - правда, вероятность его взрыва 50/50. Используйте его, чтобы проверить свою удачу. Одноразовое использование. | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Supermatter | ! Осколок суперматерии | ||
| | |[[File:Supermatter shard.png|frameless]] | ||
|1.80% | |1.80% | ||
| | |Небольшой кусочек кристалла сверхматерии. Работает точно так же, как ядро сверхматерии (см. выше), но чуть более чувствительно и чуть менее катастрофично, если расслоится. Но все равно - не трогайте его. | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Pylon | !Пилон | ||
| | |[[File:Pylon.png|frameless]] | ||
|3.60% | |3.60% | ||
| | |Зловещий плавающий кристалл. Станьте лучшим другом Культа! Погодите? Это не культовый снаряд? Ну, по крайней мере, он станет отличным украшением. Жаль, что вы не можете его передвигать. | ||
Чисто декоративная вещь. | |||
|- | |- | ||
!Autocloner | !Автоклоузер | ||
| | |[[File:Autocloner.png|frameless]] | ||
|7.19% | |7.19% | ||
| | |Если вы увидите это, закройте глаза и сосчитайте до десяти. Если вы не умерли, то, скорее всего, это безопасно. Если да, то, по крайней мере, вы можете посмотреть на то, как охрану убивают космические медведи. | ||
Автоклонер автоматически порождает мобов каждые 1200-3600 тиков (~40-120 секунд). С вероятностью 33 % он порождает агрессивных мобов (космических медведей, пауков-медсестер или существ), а с вероятностью 67 % - дружелюбных тварей: кошек, корги, щенков, цыплят, коров, попугаев, слизней, крабов, мышей, коз и гусей. | |||
Автоклонеры нельзя выключить, но они требуют энергии. Автоклонер получает бесконечную энергию, пока находится на выезде, а в остальное время потребляет энергию из APC комнаты. Когда автоклонер собирается породить моба, расход энергии удваивается. Если вам нужно выключить автоклонер, отключите питание в комнате (и медленно сбросьте таймер клонирования). | |||
|- | |- | ||
! | !Гига-Бур | ||
| | |[[File:Gigadrill.png|frameless]] | ||
|7.19% | |7.19% | ||
| | |Гигантский инопланетный бур на протекторах. Передвигается сам по себе - включите его и подтолкните, чтобы заставить сверлить в нужном направлении. | ||
Безвреден для людей, отлично подходит для выкапывания породы, но им трудно управлять в любом месте. | |||
(Ходят легенды, что им можно пробурить небеса, раскаляя сердца...) | |||
|- | |- | ||
!Replicator | !Репликатор | ||
| | | [[File:Replicator.png|frameless]] | ||
|7.19% | |7.19% | ||
| | |Инопланетная машина, которая берет предметы и превращает их в новые - нажмите кнопку, засуньте что-то внутрь, и Репликатор создаст что-то новое! Осторожно - иногда эти новые предметы очень злобно мимикрируют. Репликатор требует энергии, так что вне космоса он вам не пригодится. | ||
У репликатора есть от 5 до 15 случайно сгенерированных кнопок, каждая из которых соответствует предмету, который он может создать. Как только вы нажмете на кнопку, репликатор позволит вам добавлять предметы, пока их не будет достаточно, после чего он захлопнется и через несколько мгновений создаст новый предмет. | |||
Репликаторы могут порождать следующие предметы. Враждебные мобы подчеркнуты: | |||
* | * Сканер для вскрытия, велосипедный рог, косторез, мясницкий нож, камера, предостерегающий конус, циркулярная пила, буфер обмена, шкаф, ящик, ломик, вспышка, фонарик, газоанализатор, граната (чистящее средство), граната (металлическая пена), топорик, наручники, анализатор здоровья, Гемостат, Кухонный нож, Зажигалка, Лампочка, Световая трубка, Мультитул, PAI, Пикасса, Радиогарнитура, Кровать на роликах, Лопата, Стандартный элемент питания, Отвертка, Коротковолновая рация, Сварочный инструмент, Знак мокрого пола, Кусачки, Гаечный ключ, <u>Мимик, Висцератор, Ульевой робот</u> | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Anomaly | !Аномалия | ||
| | |[[File:Anomaly.png|frameless]]Внешний вид может варьироваться | ||
|71.94% | |71.94% | ||
| | |Самая распространенная находка при раскопках аномалий, а также самая изменчивая. Аномалии могут появляться в любом количестве и оказывать самые разнообразные эффекты - некоторые из них доброкачественные, а некоторые чрезвычайно опасные. Подробнее об изучении, активации и безопасном обращении с аномалиями читайте в разделе ниже. | ||
|} | |} | ||
== | ==Чем делает ваша аномалия?== | ||
Аномалия может делать много разных вещей - эффекты, радиусы действия и триггеры аномалии генерируются случайным образом, и все это остается на усмотрение отдела исследований. | |||
Когда аномалия порождается, она случайным образом генерирует основной эффект из приведенной ниже таблицы, а также диапазон действия (прикосновение, аура или импульс) и триггер (условие, необходимое для возникновения эффекта). Диапазон действия эффекта часто меняет точные детали эффекта аномалии (см. ниже). Кроме того, аномалия с вероятностью 75 % может вызвать вторичный эффект со своим радиусом действия и триггером. | |||
Обратите внимание, что эффект аномалии зависит от восприимчивости моба - то есть от того, надета ли на нем защитная экипировка от аномалии или нет. Всегда занимайтесь наукой безопасно! | |||
=== | ===Эффект=== | ||
=== | ===Триггеры эффектов === | ||
Все эффекты имеют определенный триггер, который должен быть выполнен, чтобы эффект произошел. | |||
{| class="wikitable sortable" | {| class="wikitable sortable" | ||
! | ! Эффект | ||
! | !Прикосновение | ||
! | !Аура | ||
! | !Пульс | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Bad Feelings | !Bad Feelings | ||
| | (Плохое самочувствие) | ||
|Посылает цели пугающее сообщение и с вероятностью 50% вызывает у нее головокружение 3 - 5 баллов. | |||
|Will send any targets in the aura frightening messages, and has a 10% chance to give them 3 – 5 dizziness. | |Will send any targets in the aura frightening messages, and has a 10% chance to give them 3 – 5 dizziness. | ||
|Will send targets in the pulse a frightening message. Has a 50% chance to give them 3 – 5 dizziness, and a 12.5% to give them 5 – 15. | |Will send targets in the pulse a frightening message. Has a 50% chance to give them 3 – 5 dizziness, and a 12.5% to give them 5 – 15. | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Cell Charge | !Cell Charge | ||
(Зарядка ячеек) | |||
|If the target is [[Robot|station-bound robot]], will give 50kW – 150kW charge to their power cell. | |If the target is [[Robot|station-bound robot]], will give 50kW – 150kW charge to their power cell. | ||
|Gradually adds charge in 25kW to all APCs, SMES, and station-bound robots within its aura. | |Gradually adds charge in 25kW to all APCs, SMES, and station-bound robots within its aura. | ||
|Will add 0kW – 100kW charge to all APCs and station-bound robots in the area, and 0kW – 250kW charge to all SMES in the area. | |Will add 0kW – 100kW charge to all APCs and station-bound robots in the area, and 0kW – 250kW charge to all SMES in the area. | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Cell Drain | !Cell Drain | ||
(Осушения ячейки) | |||
|If the target is station-bound robot, will drain 0kW – 100kW charge from their power cell. | |If the target is station-bound robot, will drain 0kW – 100kW charge from their power cell. | ||
|Gradually drains charge in 50kW increments from all APCs and station-bound robots and 100kW increments from all SMES within its aura. | | Gradually drains charge in 50kW increments from all APCs and station-bound robots and 100kW increments from all SMES within its aura. | ||
|Will drain between 0kW – 150kW charge from all APCs and station-bound robots around it, and drain a flat 250kW from all SMES. | |Will drain between 0kW – 150kW charge from all APCs and station-bound robots around it, and drain a flat 250kW from all SMES. | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Cold | !Cold | ||
|The target will receive a message reading "A chill passes up your spine!", and the ambient temperature will drop between 5K – 50K. | (Холод) | ||
| The target will receive a message reading "A chill passes up your spine!", and the ambient temperature will drop between 5K – 50K. | |||
|The temperature will slowly drop to a randomly generated target temperature between 0K – 250K. | |The temperature will slowly drop to a randomly generated target temperature between 0K – 250K. | ||
|– | |– | ||
|- | |- | ||
!DNA Switch | !DNA Switch | ||
(Смена ДНК) | |||
|Scrambles the target's DNA, with a severity between 25 and 95. Has a 75% chance of effecting UI (appearance) over SE (hulking, telepathy, etc.). | |Scrambles the target's DNA, with a severity between 25 and 95. Has a 75% chance of effecting UI (appearance) over SE (hulking, telepathy, etc.). | ||
|Scrambles the DNA of any target in its aura, with a severity between 5 and 30. Has a 50% chance of effecting UI (appearance) over SE (hulking, telepathy, etc.). | |Scrambles the DNA of any target in its aura, with a severity between 5 and 30. Has a 50% chance of effecting UI (appearance) over SE (hulking, telepathy, etc.). | ||
|Has a 25% chance of scrambling the DNA of any targets in the area, with a severity between 25 and 95. Has a 75% of effecting UI (appearance) over SE (hulking, telepathy etc.) | | Has a 25% chance of scrambling the DNA of any targets in the area, with a severity between 25 and 95. Has a 75% of effecting UI (appearance) over SE (hulking, telepathy etc.) | ||
|- | |- | ||
!EMP | !EMP | ||
(ЭМИ) | |||
|– | |– | ||
|– | |– | ||
Строка 126: | Строка 131: | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Good Feelings | !Good Feelings | ||
(Хорошее самочувствие) | |||
|Will send the target a happy message, and has a 50% chance to give them 3 – 5 dizziness. | |Will send the target a happy message, and has a 50% chance to give them 3 – 5 dizziness. | ||
|Will send any targets in the aura happy messages, and has a 5% chance to give them 3 – 5 dizziness. | |Will send any targets in the aura happy messages, and has a 5% chance to give them 3 – 5 dizziness. | ||
|Has a 50% chance to send targets in the pulse a happy message. Gives all targets 5 – 15 dizziness. | | Has a 50% chance to send targets in the pulse a happy message. Gives all targets 5 – 15 dizziness. | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Heal | !Heal | ||
|Heals 25 Brute and Burn damage from each external body part. Adds 5 units of blood. Adds 50 to nutrition count. Lowers brain damage by 25. Lowers radiation by 25. Resets body temperature. Reduces Oxy, Tox, Brute, and Fire damage by 25. | (Исциления) | ||
|Heals 25 Brute and Burn damage from each external body part. Adds 5 units of blood. Adds 50 to nutrition count. Lowers brain damage by 25. Lowers radiation by 25. Resets body temperature. Reduces Oxy, Tox, Brute, and Fire damage by 25. | |||
|Gradually heals Brute, Fire, Tox, Oxy, and Brain damage from all targets in the aura. | |Gradually heals Brute, Fire, Tox, Oxy, and Brain damage from all targets in the aura. | ||
|Reduces Brute, Fire, Tox, Oxy, and Brain damage by 5 for all targets within the pulse. | |Reduces Brute, Fire, Tox, Oxy, and Brain damage by 5 for all targets within the pulse. | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Heat | !Heat | ||
(Жар) | |||
|The target will receive a message reading "You feel a wave of heat travel up your spine!", and the ambient temperature will rise between 5K – 50K. | |The target will receive a message reading "You feel a wave of heat travel up your spine!", and the ambient temperature will rise between 5K – 50K. | ||
|The temperature will slowly drop to a randomly generated target temperature between 300K – 600K. | |The temperature will slowly drop to a randomly generated target temperature between 300K – 600K. | ||
|– | |– | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Hell Portal | ! Hell Portal | ||
|– | (Портал в ''АД!'') | ||
|– | |||
|– | |– | ||
|On activation, summons a portal to another dimension: nearby floors and walls are converted to viscera and occult structures, temperatures rise, and nightmare creatures spawn around the anomaly. | |On activation, summons a portal to another dimension: nearby floors and walls are converted to viscera and occult structures, temperatures rise, and nightmare creatures spawn around the anomaly. | ||
|- | |||
!Humanify | |||
(Очеловечивани) | |||
|Transforms the target into a human if they are robotic (IPC or FBP), and turns any prosthetic limbs into flesh. | |||
|Transforms mobs in the aura into humans if they are robotic (IPC or FBP), and turns any prosthetic limbs into flesh. | |||
|Transforms mobs within the pulse into humans if they are robotic (IPC or FBP), and turns any prosthetic limbs into flesh. | |||
|- | |- | ||
!Hurt | !Hurt | ||
(Удар) | |||
|Increases Oxy, Tox, Brute, Fire, and Brain damage by a value between 5 and 25 (each value is randomly generated separately). Adds 25 radiation. Reduces nutrition by 50. Increases dizziness by 6. Increases weakness by 6. | |Increases Oxy, Tox, Brute, Fire, and Brain damage by a value between 5 and 25 (each value is randomly generated separately). Adds 25 radiation. Reduces nutrition by 50. Increases dizziness by 6. Increases weakness by 6. | ||
|Gradually deals Brute, Fire, Tox, Oxy, and Brain damage to all targets in the aura. | |Gradually deals Brute, Fire, Tox, Oxy, and Brain damage to all targets in the aura. | ||
|Increases Brute, Fire, Tox, Oxy, and Brain damage by 3 for all targets within the pulse. | |Increases Brute, Fire, Tox, Oxy, and Brain damage by 3 for all targets within the pulse. | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Pushback | !Pushback | ||
|Knocks the target back between 1 to 10 tiles, dealing 30 – 50 Brute damage. | (Отталкивание) | ||
|– | |Knocks the target back between 1 to 10 tiles, dealing 30 – 50 Brute damage. | ||
|Knocks all targets in the pulse area back between 1 to 10 tiles, dealing 30 – 50 Brute damage. | |– | ||
|Knocks all targets in the pulse area back between 1 to 10 tiles, dealing 30 – 50 Brute damage. | |||
|- | |- | ||
!Radiation | !Radiation | ||
(Радиация) | |||
|Increases the target's radiation by a value between 20 and 100. | |Increases the target's radiation by a value between 20 and 100. | ||
|Emits radiation in the aura by a value between 10 and 50. | |Emits radiation in the aura by a value between 10 and 50. | ||
Строка 161: | Строка 179: | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Roboheal | !Roboheal | ||
(Робохил) | |||
|If the target is station-bound robot, repairs both Brute and Electronics damage by a value between 10 and 30. | |If the target is station-bound robot, repairs both Brute and Electronics damage by a value between 10 and 30. | ||
|Gradually repairs the Brute and Electronics damage of all station-bound robots in the aura. | |Gradually repairs the Brute and Electronics damage of all station-bound robots in the aura. | ||
|Repairs Brute and Electronics damage by 10 for all station-bound robots in the area. | |Repairs Brute and Electronics damage by 10 for all station-bound robots in the area. | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Robohurt | !Robohurt | ||
(Робоурон) | |||
|Increases Structure and Electronic Damage by a value between 10 and 50 | |Increases Structure and Electronic Damage by a value between 10 and 50 | ||
If the target is station-bound robot, deals between 10 – 50 Brute damage and 10 – 50 Electronics damage. | If the target is station-bound robot, deals between 10 – 50 Brute damage and 10 – 50 Electronics damage. | ||
|Gradually deals both Brute and Electronics damage to all station-bound robots in the aura. | | Gradually deals both Brute and Electronics damage to all station-bound robots in the aura. | ||
|Repairs 10 Brute damage and 10 Electronics damage to all station-bound robots in the area. | |Repairs 10 Brute damage and 10 Electronics damage to all station-bound robots in the area. | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Skeletonise | !Skeletonise | ||
|Turns the target into a living skeleton. Decreases environmental temperature by 15K. | (Скелетон) | ||
|Turns any targets in the aura into living skeletons. Decreases environmental temperature by 15K. | |Turns the target into a living skeleton. Decreases environmental temperature by 15K. | ||
|Turns any targets in the artifact's range of effect into living skeletons. Decreases environmental temperature by 15K. | |Turns any targets in the aura into living skeletons. Decreases environmental temperature by 15K. | ||
|Turns any targets in the artifact's range of effect into living skeletons. Decreases environmental temperature by 15K. | |||
|- | |- | ||
!Sleepy | !Sleepy | ||
|Increases the target's drowsyness by a value between 5 and 25. Increases vision blurriness between 1 and 3. | |Increases the target's drowsyness by a value between 5 and 25. Increases vision blurriness between 1 and 3. | ||
|Gradually increases the drowsyness and vision blurriness of all targets in the aura. | |Gradually increases the drowsyness and vision blurriness of all targets in the aura. | ||
|Increases the drowsyness of all targets in the area by a value between 5 and 15. Increases the vision blurriness of all targets in the area between 5 and 15. | | Increases the drowsyness of all targets in the area by a value between 5 and 15. Increases the vision blurriness of all targets in the area between 5 and 15. | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Stun | ! Stun | ||
(Соннливость) | |||
|Weakens the target between 1 and 10. Increases stuttering by 30. Stuns the target between 1 and 10. | |Weakens the target between 1 and 10. Increases stuttering by 30. Stuns the target between 1 and 10. | ||
|Has a 10% chance to weaken targets in the aura by 2, increases their stuttering by 2. Has a 1% chance to stun targets while in the aura. | | Has a 10% chance to weaken targets in the aura by 2, increases their stuttering by 2. Has a 1% chance to stun targets while in the aura. | ||
|Weakens all targets in the pulse's area by 4, increases their stuttering by 4. Has a 10% chance of stunning targets in the pulse. | |Weakens all targets in the pulse's area by 4, increases their stuttering by 4. Has a 10% chance of stunning targets in the pulse. | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Teleport | ! Teleport | ||
(Телепорот) | |||
|Has a chance to teleport the target up to 50 tiles away, based on susceptibility. | |Has a chance to teleport the target up to 50 tiles away, based on susceptibility. | ||
|Has a chance to teleport any targets in the aura up to 50 tiles away, based on susceptibility. | |Has a chance to teleport any targets in the aura up to 50 tiles away, based on susceptibility. | ||
|Has a chance to teleport any targets in the area up to 50 tiles away, based on susceptibility. | |Has a chance to teleport any targets in the area up to 50 tiles away, based on susceptibility. | ||
|} | |} | ||
===== | =====Триггеры и условия их применения ===== | ||
{| class="wikitable sortable" | {| class="wikitable sortable" | ||
!Name | ! Name | ||
!Type | ! Type | ||
!Conditions | ! Conditions | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Touch | !Touch | ||
|Physical | |Physical | ||
|Touching with hand or bumping into anomaly. Must have unprotected hands. | |Touching with hand or bumping into anomaly. Must have unprotected hands. | ||
|- | |- | ||
Строка 220: | Строка 243: | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Volatile Chemicals | !Volatile Chemicals | ||
|Physical | | Physical | ||
|Splash anomaly with a container that contains highly-reactive chemicals, including: Phoron, Thermite, Welding Fuel, Pyrotoxin, Potassium, Napalm, Nitroglycerin, and Oxyphoron. | |Splash anomaly with a container that contains highly-reactive chemicals, including: Phoron, Thermite, Welding Fuel, Pyrotoxin, Potassium, Napalm, Nitroglycerin, Gunpowder, and Oxyphoron. | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Toxin | ! Toxin | ||
|Physical | |Physical | ||
|Splash anomaly with a container that contains any type of toxin. | |Splash anomaly with a container that contains any type of toxin. | ||
Строка 231: | Строка 254: | ||
|Hit the anomaly with a physical weapon, or shoot it with a ballistic projectile. | |Hit the anomaly with a physical weapon, or shoot it with a ballistic projectile. | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Energy | ! Energy | ||
|Energy | | Energy | ||
|Hit the anomaly with an energy weapon, or use another source of applied high energy on it. Useable items include energy guns, stun batons, multitools, and certain Antagonist gear including energy blades, e-mags, and cult blades. | |Hit the anomaly with an energy weapon, or use another source of applied high energy on it. Useable items include energy guns, stun batons, multitools, and certain Antagonist gear including energy blades, e-mags, and cult blades. | ||
|- | |- | ||
Строка 239: | Строка 262: | ||
|Set environment temperature to be above 375 Kelvin, or use a welding tool on the anomaly. | |Set environment temperature to be above 375 Kelvin, or use a welding tool on the anomaly. | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Cold | ! Cold | ||
|Energy | |Energy | ||
|Set environment temperature to be below 225 Kelvin. | |Set environment temperature to be below 225 Kelvin. | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Phoron | !Phoron | ||
|Atmosphere | |Atmosphere | ||
|Have 5 or more moles of Phoron present in the environment. | |Have 5 or more moles of Phoron present in the environment. | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Oxygen | ! Oxygen | ||
|Atmosphere | |Atmosphere | ||
|Have 5 or more moles of oxygen present in the environment. | |Have 5 or more moles of oxygen present in the environment. | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Carbon Dioxide | !Carbon Dioxide | ||
|Atmosphere | |Atmosphere | ||
|Have 5 or more moles of CO2 present in the environment. | | Have 5 or more moles of CO2 present in the environment. | ||
|- | |- | ||
!Nitrogen | !Nitrogen | ||
Строка 260: | Строка 283: | ||
|} | |} | ||
== Anomaly Scanner and How to Use It == | ==Anomaly Scanner and How to Use It== | ||
For most anomalies, the Anomaly Scanner is useless – you can easily identify the difference between an autocloner and a Supermatter shard without needing fancy scientific equipment. The analyzer is primarily used for the unknown anomalies, i.e. the ones described above. | For most anomalies, the Anomaly Scanner is useless – you can easily identify the difference between an autocloner and a Supermatter shard without needing fancy scientific equipment. The analyzer is primarily used for the unknown anomalies, i.e. the ones described above. | ||
When you scan an anomaly, the Anomaly Scanner will spit a piece of paper out at you. You can use this paper to identify both the triggers, and the effects of the anomaly. | When you scan an anomaly, the Anomaly Scanner will spit a piece of paper out at you. You can use this paper to identify both the triggers, and the effects of the anomaly. | ||
=== Anomaly Effects === | ===Anomaly Effects=== | ||
Using this table and the paper the scanner gives you, you should be able to narrow down the possible effects your anomaly will give off. | Using this table and the paper the scanner gives you, you should be able to narrow down the possible effects your anomaly will give off. | ||
{| class="wikitable" | {| class="wikitable" | ||
!Text Given | !Text Given | ||
!Possible Effects | ! Possible Effects | ||
|- | |- | ||
|concentrated energy emissions | | concentrated energy emissions | ||
|Pushback | |Pushback | ||
|- | |- | ||
Строка 278: | Строка 301: | ||
|- | |- | ||
|electromagnetic energy | |electromagnetic energy | ||
|Cell Charge, Cell Drain, EMP, Roboheal, Robohurt | |Cell Charge, Cell Drain, EMP, Roboheal, Robohurt | ||
|- | |- | ||
|high frequency particles | |high frequency particles | ||
Строка 284: | Строка 307: | ||
|- | |- | ||
|organically reactive exotic particles | |organically reactive exotic particles | ||
|Cold, DNA Switch, Heal, Heat, Hurt, Radiation, Skeletonise, Sleepy, Stun | |Cold, DNA Switch, Heal, Heat, Humanify, Hurt, Radiation, Skeletonise, Sleepy, Stun | ||
|- | |- | ||
|interdimensional/bluespace? phasing | |interdimensional/bluespace? phasing | ||
Строка 296: | Строка 319: | ||
|} | |} | ||
=== Anomaly Range === | === Anomaly Range=== | ||
Use this to determine the range of your anomaly. | Use this to determine the range of your anomaly. | ||
{| class="wikitable" | {| class="wikitable" | ||
Строка 302: | Строка 325: | ||
!Range | !Range | ||
|- | |- | ||
|interspersed throughout substructure and shell. | | interspersed throughout substructure and shell. | ||
|Touch | |Touch | ||
|- | |- | ||
Строка 312: | Строка 335: | ||
|} | |} | ||
=== Anomaly Triggers === | ===Anomaly Triggers=== | ||
This table is broken up into 'primary' and 'secondary' effects. They are only different in their wording. | This table is broken up into 'primary' and 'secondary' effects. They are only different in their wording. | ||
{| class="wikitable" | {| class="wikitable" | ||
!Primary Text Given | !Primary Text Given | ||
!Secondary Text Given | !Secondary Text Given | ||
!Range | !Range | ||
|- | |- | ||
Строка 336: | Строка 359: | ||
|} | |} | ||
== Exotic Particle Collecting. Wait, what? == | == Exotic Particle Collecting. Wait, what?== | ||
So you've done the hard part. You've identified the trigger and effects of your once unknown, now known anomaly. You could turn this baby on in your sleep! Now you've got a really useful effect, be it healing or hurting, but you don't really want to lug the huge crystal-looking monstrosity to the bar to test it out on unsuspecting folks. You want something portable. Luckily for you, there is the Exotic Particle Collecting Lab. The lab is simple to use, but unused by many. The main reason for this is because nobody knows how to use it. It does not matter which type of effect/trigger, it will always require the same steps. And the result is always the same. A portable, limited charge device that you can activate whenever you want to replicate the effect of the anomaly. | So you've done the hard part. You've identified the trigger and effects of your once unknown, now known anomaly. You could turn this baby on in your sleep! Now you've got a really useful effect, be it healing or hurting, but you don't really want to lug the huge crystal-looking monstrosity to the bar to test it out on unsuspecting folks. You want something portable. Luckily for you, there is the Exotic Particle Collecting Lab. The lab is simple to use, but unused by many. The main reason for this is because nobody knows how to use it. It does not matter which type of effect/trigger, it will always require the same steps. And the result is always the same. A portable, limited charge device that you can activate whenever you want to replicate the effect of the anomaly. | ||
==== How to create a portable anomaly device ==== | ====How to create a portable anomaly device==== | ||
# Take your anomaly to the Exotic Particle Collection's lab. | # Take your anomaly to the Exotic Particle Collection's lab. | ||
# Place Anomaly one of the two Anomaly Scanner Pads. | #Place Anomaly one of the two Anomaly Scanner Pads. | ||
# Insert Empty Anomaly Power Battery into Exotic Particle Harvester. If you do not have an empty battery, you can drain the battery inside the Exotic Particle Harvester. | # Insert Empty Anomaly Power Battery into Exotic Particle Harvester. If you do not have an empty battery, you can drain the battery inside the Exotic Particle Harvester. | ||
# Activate '''ONE''' of the anomalies effects. The harvester can only harvest one effect at a time (and only one per battery) | #Activate '''ONE''' of the anomalies effects. The harvester can only harvest one effect at a time (and only one per battery) | ||
# Begin the charging of the battery via the Exotic Particle Harvester's menu. Click on the 'Begin harvesting' button. | #Begin the charging of the battery via the Exotic Particle Harvester's menu. Click on the 'Begin harvesting' button. | ||
# Make sure to keep that effect active until the battery is charged. | #Make sure to keep that effect active until the battery is charged. | ||
# Eject Battery. | #Eject Battery. | ||
# Insert Battery into Anomaly Power Utilizer | #Insert Battery into Anomaly Power Utilizer | ||
Voila! A fully powered portable anomaly device. If you run out of power (which you will, if you decide to use it), you can simply recharge the battery again. As long as the anomaly is active, you can draw as much power as you want and need. | Voila! A fully powered portable anomaly device. If you run out of power (which you will, if you decide to use it), you can simply recharge the battery again. As long as the anomaly is active, you can draw as much power as you want and need. | ||
==== Using an Anomaly Power Utilizer. ==== | ====Using an Anomaly Power Utilizer.==== | ||
Now before you go about waving the Anomaly Power Utilizer around, here are instructions how to use it: | Now before you go about waving the Anomaly Power Utilizer around, here are instructions how to use it: | ||
Строка 369: | Строка 392: | ||
Remember: These will always affect you. Wear protection or die from icicles forming in your lungs. | Remember: These will always affect you. Wear protection or die from icicles forming in your lungs. | ||
=== Wearing Protection === | ===Wearing Protection=== | ||
This is a very important subject matter. Protection is key to making sure an anomaly will not affect you. The way the system checks for susceptibility is through looking at your clothing and giving you a number between 1 and 0, with 1 being unprotected, and 0 being fully protected. | This is a very important subject matter. Protection is key to making sure an anomaly will not affect you. The way the system checks for susceptibility is through looking at your clothing and giving you a number between 1 and 0, with 1 being unprotected, and 0 being fully protected. | ||
The protection from clothing is additive and subtracts from your default value of 1. | The protection from clothing is additive and subtracts from your default value of 1. | ||
==== Protective Clothing ==== | ====Protective Clothing==== | ||
{| class="wikitable" | {| class="wikitable" | ||
!Clothing | !Clothing | ||
Строка 403: | Строка 426: | ||
|0.1 | |0.1 | ||
|} | |} | ||
---- | |||
[[Category:Research Guides]][[Category:Guides]] | {{Navbox Guides}} | ||
[[Category:Research Guides]] | |||
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Текущая версия от 15:46, 2 июня 2024
Если вы не догадались по названию, то это руководство по выявлению и активации аномалий. Будьте внимательны, это руководство превратит активацию аномалий в простое дело, поэтому спросите себя - нравится ли вам мистика и загадочность каждой аномалии, которую вы откапываете? Если ответ на этот вопрос - "да", то вам стоит прекратить чтение. Для остальных - руководство ниже.
Виды обнаруженных аномалий
Когда в игре появляется аномальная находка, она выбирается из списка различных типов. Каждый тип имеет свой шанс спауна, который определяет, насколько удачливым (скорее, неудачливым) нужно быть, чтобы получить ее. Чем выше шанс спавна, тем выше шанс, что вы ее откопаете. Так что в следующий раз, когда вы решите: "Эй, не думаю, что этот клондайк космического медведя был такой уж удачной находкой", помните - вам действительно повезло, что вы его нашли!
Примечание: Аномалия имеет чрезвычайно большое разнообразие обликов. Если вы нашли на раскопках или полёта ЭК что-то странное, чего нет в этом списке, это, скорее всего, аномалия.
Имя | Пример внешности | Шанс спауна | Description |
Ядро Суперматерии | 0.36% | Очень редко можно откопать ядро СМ. Ядро суперматерии, как и двигатель корабля, - это светящийся, радиоактивный, чрезвычайно смертоносный кристалл, который быстро дестабилизируется и взрывается при неправильном обращении.
Короче говоря: не трогайте ядро сверхматерии, не бросайте в него предметы, не стреляйте в него, даже не проводите слишком много времени в непосредственной близости, если можете этого избежать. В идеале расскажите об этом Инженерам - если не всем по общему каналу, - чтобы они могли держаться подальше от смертельного камня. | |
Конструкционная оболочка | 0.36% | Нечестивая (но пустая) машина, используемая теми, кто владеет оккультизмом. Обычно используется только культистами.
Если вам удастся раздобыть осколок души (его можно найти - редко - на раскопках) и захватить с его помощью душу (для этого нужно, чтобы кто-то умер), вы сможете использовать осколок души вместе с оболочкой конструкции для создания культовой конструкции. Только не забудьте спросить разрешения у администратора, если вы не антагонист - осколки души требуют смерти, и поэтому не стоит использовать их легкомысленно. | |
Зловещий маяк | 0.36% | О, детка! Разве это не было бы забавной находкой в Расширенном? Маяк может превратить любого в Предателя - правда, вероятность его взрыва 50/50. Используйте его, чтобы проверить свою удачу. Одноразовое использование. | |
Осколок суперматерии | 1.80% | Небольшой кусочек кристалла сверхматерии. Работает точно так же, как ядро сверхматерии (см. выше), но чуть более чувствительно и чуть менее катастрофично, если расслоится. Но все равно - не трогайте его. | |
Пилон | 3.60% | Зловещий плавающий кристалл. Станьте лучшим другом Культа! Погодите? Это не культовый снаряд? Ну, по крайней мере, он станет отличным украшением. Жаль, что вы не можете его передвигать.
Чисто декоративная вещь. | |
Автоклоузер | 7.19% | Если вы увидите это, закройте глаза и сосчитайте до десяти. Если вы не умерли, то, скорее всего, это безопасно. Если да, то, по крайней мере, вы можете посмотреть на то, как охрану убивают космические медведи.
Автоклонер автоматически порождает мобов каждые 1200-3600 тиков (~40-120 секунд). С вероятностью 33 % он порождает агрессивных мобов (космических медведей, пауков-медсестер или существ), а с вероятностью 67 % - дружелюбных тварей: кошек, корги, щенков, цыплят, коров, попугаев, слизней, крабов, мышей, коз и гусей. Автоклонеры нельзя выключить, но они требуют энергии. Автоклонер получает бесконечную энергию, пока находится на выезде, а в остальное время потребляет энергию из APC комнаты. Когда автоклонер собирается породить моба, расход энергии удваивается. Если вам нужно выключить автоклонер, отключите питание в комнате (и медленно сбросьте таймер клонирования). | |
Гига-Бур | 7.19% | Гигантский инопланетный бур на протекторах. Передвигается сам по себе - включите его и подтолкните, чтобы заставить сверлить в нужном направлении.
Безвреден для людей, отлично подходит для выкапывания породы, но им трудно управлять в любом месте. (Ходят легенды, что им можно пробурить небеса, раскаляя сердца...) | |
Репликатор | 7.19% | Инопланетная машина, которая берет предметы и превращает их в новые - нажмите кнопку, засуньте что-то внутрь, и Репликатор создаст что-то новое! Осторожно - иногда эти новые предметы очень злобно мимикрируют. Репликатор требует энергии, так что вне космоса он вам не пригодится.
У репликатора есть от 5 до 15 случайно сгенерированных кнопок, каждая из которых соответствует предмету, который он может создать. Как только вы нажмете на кнопку, репликатор позволит вам добавлять предметы, пока их не будет достаточно, после чего он захлопнется и через несколько мгновений создаст новый предмет. Репликаторы могут порождать следующие предметы. Враждебные мобы подчеркнуты:
| |
Аномалия | Внешний вид может варьироваться | 71.94% | Самая распространенная находка при раскопках аномалий, а также самая изменчивая. Аномалии могут появляться в любом количестве и оказывать самые разнообразные эффекты - некоторые из них доброкачественные, а некоторые чрезвычайно опасные. Подробнее об изучении, активации и безопасном обращении с аномалиями читайте в разделе ниже. |
Чем делает ваша аномалия?
Аномалия может делать много разных вещей - эффекты, радиусы действия и триггеры аномалии генерируются случайным образом, и все это остается на усмотрение отдела исследований.
Когда аномалия порождается, она случайным образом генерирует основной эффект из приведенной ниже таблицы, а также диапазон действия (прикосновение, аура или импульс) и триггер (условие, необходимое для возникновения эффекта). Диапазон действия эффекта часто меняет точные детали эффекта аномалии (см. ниже). Кроме того, аномалия с вероятностью 75 % может вызвать вторичный эффект со своим радиусом действия и триггером.
Обратите внимание, что эффект аномалии зависит от восприимчивости моба - то есть от того, надета ли на нем защитная экипировка от аномалии или нет. Всегда занимайтесь наукой безопасно!
Триггеры эффектов
Все эффекты имеют определенный триггер, который должен быть выполнен, чтобы эффект произошел.
Эффект | Прикосновение | Аура | Пульс |
Bad Feelings
(Плохое самочувствие) |
Посылает цели пугающее сообщение и с вероятностью 50% вызывает у нее головокружение 3 - 5 баллов. | Will send any targets in the aura frightening messages, and has a 10% chance to give them 3 – 5 dizziness. | Will send targets in the pulse a frightening message. Has a 50% chance to give them 3 – 5 dizziness, and a 12.5% to give them 5 – 15. |
Cell Charge
(Зарядка ячеек) |
If the target is station-bound robot, will give 50kW – 150kW charge to their power cell. | Gradually adds charge in 25kW to all APCs, SMES, and station-bound robots within its aura. | Will add 0kW – 100kW charge to all APCs and station-bound robots in the area, and 0kW – 250kW charge to all SMES in the area. |
Cell Drain
(Осушения ячейки) |
If the target is station-bound robot, will drain 0kW – 100kW charge from their power cell. | Gradually drains charge in 50kW increments from all APCs and station-bound robots and 100kW increments from all SMES within its aura. | Will drain between 0kW – 150kW charge from all APCs and station-bound robots around it, and drain a flat 250kW from all SMES. |
(Холод) |
The target will receive a message reading "A chill passes up your spine!", and the ambient temperature will drop between 5K – 50K. | The temperature will slowly drop to a randomly generated target temperature between 0K – 250K. | – |
DNA Switch
(Смена ДНК) |
Scrambles the target's DNA, with a severity between 25 and 95. Has a 75% chance of effecting UI (appearance) over SE (hulking, telepathy, etc.). | Scrambles the DNA of any target in its aura, with a severity between 5 and 30. Has a 50% chance of effecting UI (appearance) over SE (hulking, telepathy, etc.). | Has a 25% chance of scrambling the DNA of any targets in the area, with a severity between 25 and 95. Has a 75% of effecting UI (appearance) over SE (hulking, telepathy etc.) |
(ЭМИ) |
– | – | Creates an EMP pulse within its effect range. |
Good Feelings
(Хорошее самочувствие) |
Will send the target a happy message, and has a 50% chance to give them 3 – 5 dizziness. | Will send any targets in the aura happy messages, and has a 5% chance to give them 3 – 5 dizziness. | Has a 50% chance to send targets in the pulse a happy message. Gives all targets 5 – 15 dizziness. |
(Исциления) |
Heals 25 Brute and Burn damage from each external body part. Adds 5 units of blood. Adds 50 to nutrition count. Lowers brain damage by 25. Lowers radiation by 25. Resets body temperature. Reduces Oxy, Tox, Brute, and Fire damage by 25. | Gradually heals Brute, Fire, Tox, Oxy, and Brain damage from all targets in the aura. | Reduces Brute, Fire, Tox, Oxy, and Brain damage by 5 for all targets within the pulse. |
(Жар) |
The target will receive a message reading "You feel a wave of heat travel up your spine!", and the ambient temperature will rise between 5K – 50K. | The temperature will slowly drop to a randomly generated target temperature between 300K – 600K. | – |
Hell Portal
(Портал в АД!) |
– | – | On activation, summons a portal to another dimension: nearby floors and walls are converted to viscera and occult structures, temperatures rise, and nightmare creatures spawn around the anomaly. |
(Очеловечивани) |
Transforms the target into a human if they are robotic (IPC or FBP), and turns any prosthetic limbs into flesh. | Transforms mobs in the aura into humans if they are robotic (IPC or FBP), and turns any prosthetic limbs into flesh. | Transforms mobs within the pulse into humans if they are robotic (IPC or FBP), and turns any prosthetic limbs into flesh. |
(Удар) |
Increases Oxy, Tox, Brute, Fire, and Brain damage by a value between 5 and 25 (each value is randomly generated separately). Adds 25 radiation. Reduces nutrition by 50. Increases dizziness by 6. Increases weakness by 6. | Gradually deals Brute, Fire, Tox, Oxy, and Brain damage to all targets in the aura. | Increases Brute, Fire, Tox, Oxy, and Brain damage by 3 for all targets within the pulse. |
(Отталкивание) |
Knocks the target back between 1 to 10 tiles, dealing 30 – 50 Brute damage. | – | Knocks all targets in the pulse area back between 1 to 10 tiles, dealing 30 – 50 Brute damage. |
(Радиация) |
Increases the target's radiation by a value between 20 and 100. | Emits radiation in the aura by a value between 10 and 50. | Increases the radiation of all targets within the pulse by a value between 50 and 500. |
(Робохил) |
If the target is station-bound robot, repairs both Brute and Electronics damage by a value between 10 and 30. | Gradually repairs the Brute and Electronics damage of all station-bound robots in the aura. | Repairs Brute and Electronics damage by 10 for all station-bound robots in the area. |
(Робоурон) |
Increases Structure and Electronic Damage by a value between 10 and 50
If the target is station-bound robot, deals between 10 – 50 Brute damage and 10 – 50 Electronics damage. |
Gradually deals both Brute and Electronics damage to all station-bound robots in the aura. | Repairs 10 Brute damage and 10 Electronics damage to all station-bound robots in the area. |
(Скелетон) |
Turns the target into a living skeleton. Decreases environmental temperature by 15K. | Turns any targets in the aura into living skeletons. Decreases environmental temperature by 15K. | Turns any targets in the artifact's range of effect into living skeletons. Decreases environmental temperature by 15K. |
Sleepy | Increases the target's drowsyness by a value between 5 and 25. Increases vision blurriness between 1 and 3. | Gradually increases the drowsyness and vision blurriness of all targets in the aura. | Increases the drowsyness of all targets in the area by a value between 5 and 15. Increases the vision blurriness of all targets in the area between 5 and 15. |
(Соннливость) |
Weakens the target between 1 and 10. Increases stuttering by 30. Stuns the target between 1 and 10. | Has a 10% chance to weaken targets in the aura by 2, increases their stuttering by 2. Has a 1% chance to stun targets while in the aura. | Weakens all targets in the pulse's area by 4, increases their stuttering by 4. Has a 10% chance of stunning targets in the pulse. |
(Телепорот) |
Has a chance to teleport the target up to 50 tiles away, based on susceptibility. | Has a chance to teleport any targets in the aura up to 50 tiles away, based on susceptibility. | Has a chance to teleport any targets in the area up to 50 tiles away, based on susceptibility. |
Триггеры и условия их применения
Name | Type | Conditions |
Touch | Physical | Touching with hand or bumping into anomaly. Must have unprotected hands. |
Organic Touch | Physical | An organic being (i.e. not a station-bound robot) touching the anomaly or bumping into it. Must have unprotected hands. |
Robotic Touch | Physical | A synthetic being (i.e. a station-bound robot, or an IPC/FBP/Adherent/person with prosthetic hands) touching the anomaly or bumping into it. |
Water | Physical | Splash anomaly with a container that contains water. |
Acid | Physical | Splash anomaly with a container that contains any type of acid. |
Volatile Chemicals | Physical | Splash anomaly with a container that contains highly-reactive chemicals, including: Phoron, Thermite, Welding Fuel, Pyrotoxin, Potassium, Napalm, Nitroglycerin, Gunpowder, and Oxyphoron. |
Toxin | Physical | Splash anomaly with a container that contains any type of toxin. |
Force | Energy | Hit the anomaly with a physical weapon, or shoot it with a ballistic projectile. |
Energy | Energy | Hit the anomaly with an energy weapon, or use another source of applied high energy on it. Useable items include energy guns, stun batons, multitools, and certain Antagonist gear including energy blades, e-mags, and cult blades. |
Heat | Energy | Set environment temperature to be above 375 Kelvin, or use a welding tool on the anomaly. |
Cold | Energy | Set environment temperature to be below 225 Kelvin. |
Phoron | Atmosphere | Have 5 or more moles of Phoron present in the environment. |
Oxygen | Atmosphere | Have 5 or more moles of oxygen present in the environment. |
Carbon Dioxide | Atmosphere | Have 5 or more moles of CO2 present in the environment. |
Nitrogen | Atmosphere | Have 5 or more moles of nitrogen present in the environment. |
Anomaly Scanner and How to Use It
For most anomalies, the Anomaly Scanner is useless – you can easily identify the difference between an autocloner and a Supermatter shard without needing fancy scientific equipment. The analyzer is primarily used for the unknown anomalies, i.e. the ones described above.
When you scan an anomaly, the Anomaly Scanner will spit a piece of paper out at you. You can use this paper to identify both the triggers, and the effects of the anomaly.
Anomaly Effects
Using this table and the paper the scanner gives you, you should be able to narrow down the possible effects your anomaly will give off.
Text Given | Possible Effects |
concentrated energy emissions | Pushback |
intermittent psionic wavefront | Bad Feelings, Good Feeling, Sleepy, Stun |
electromagnetic energy | Cell Charge, Cell Drain, EMP, Roboheal, Robohurt |
high frequency particles | Radiation, Roboheal, Robohurt |
organically reactive exotic particles | Cold, DNA Switch, Heal, Heat, Humanify, Hurt, Radiation, Skeletonise, Sleepy, Stun |
interdimensional/bluespace? phasing | Cold, Heat, Teleport, Hell Portal |
atomic synthesis | Cold, Heat |
low level energy emissions | Literally nothing. You should never find this one. |
Anomaly Range
Use this to determine the range of your anomaly.
Text Given | Range |
interspersed throughout substructure and shell. | Touch |
emitting in an ambient energy field. | Aura |
emitting in periodic bursts. | Pulse |
Anomaly Triggers
This table is broken up into 'primary' and 'secondary' effects. They are only different in their wording.
Primary Text Given | Secondary Text Given | Range |
Activation index involves physical interaction with artifact surface. | Activation index involves physical interaction with artifact surface, but subsystems indicate anomalous interference with standard attempts at triggering. | Touch, Water, Acid, Volatile, Toxin. |
Activation index involves energetic interaction with artifact surface. | Activation index involves energetic interaction with artifact surface, but subsystems indicate anomalous interference with standard attempts at triggering. | Force, Energy, Heat, Cold. |
Activation index involves precise local atmospheric conditions. | Activation index involves precise local atmospheric conditions, but subsystems indicate anomalous interference with standard attempts at triggering. | Phoron, Oxygen, CO2, Nitrogen. |
Unable to determine any data about activation trigger. | Unable to determine any data about activation trigger. | Trigger is borked. You should not get this. |
Exotic Particle Collecting. Wait, what?
So you've done the hard part. You've identified the trigger and effects of your once unknown, now known anomaly. You could turn this baby on in your sleep! Now you've got a really useful effect, be it healing or hurting, but you don't really want to lug the huge crystal-looking monstrosity to the bar to test it out on unsuspecting folks. You want something portable. Luckily for you, there is the Exotic Particle Collecting Lab. The lab is simple to use, but unused by many. The main reason for this is because nobody knows how to use it. It does not matter which type of effect/trigger, it will always require the same steps. And the result is always the same. A portable, limited charge device that you can activate whenever you want to replicate the effect of the anomaly.
How to create a portable anomaly device
- Take your anomaly to the Exotic Particle Collection's lab.
- Place Anomaly one of the two Anomaly Scanner Pads.
- Insert Empty Anomaly Power Battery into Exotic Particle Harvester. If you do not have an empty battery, you can drain the battery inside the Exotic Particle Harvester.
- Activate ONE of the anomalies effects. The harvester can only harvest one effect at a time (and only one per battery)
- Begin the charging of the battery via the Exotic Particle Harvester's menu. Click on the 'Begin harvesting' button.
- Make sure to keep that effect active until the battery is charged.
- Eject Battery.
- Insert Battery into Anomaly Power Utilizer
Voila! A fully powered portable anomaly device. If you run out of power (which you will, if you decide to use it), you can simply recharge the battery again. As long as the anomaly is active, you can draw as much power as you want and need.
Using an Anomaly Power Utilizer.
Now before you go about waving the Anomaly Power Utilizer around, here are instructions how to use it:
First off, the effect will be based around the device, and will always affect the one holding it. So wear your anomaly suit for protection if it is something very bad.
While having the device in your hand, click on it to bring up a menu. This is how you activate the effect. In the top you can see the charge, the active time, and the Exotic Particles. These particles correspond with the particles you used to track the anomaly's location with.
Under this you see the 'start' button, which will start the device. But before you press this, you should first mess with the two variables below, duration and interval. Duration is for how many seconds you want the device to be active. Interval is how often you want the effect to activate during the duration.
For example, a device with a duration of 10 and an Interval of 3 will activate 4 times. (At 0 seconds, 3 seconds, 6 seconds, and finally 9 seconds.)
Now the device will only lose charge when it activates, so if you wish to have a longer duration, consider setting a long interval as well for maximum efficiency.
When the battery is drained, the device will buzz, and you will need to eject the battery and recharge it before you can use it again.
Remember: These will always affect you. Wear protection or die from icicles forming in your lungs.
Wearing Protection
This is a very important subject matter. Protection is key to making sure an anomaly will not affect you. The way the system checks for susceptibility is through looking at your clothing and giving you a number between 1 and 0, with 1 being unprotected, and 0 being fully protected.
The protection from clothing is additive and subtracts from your default value of 1.
Protective Clothing
Clothing | Protective Value |
AMI Hardsuit | 1.0 |
Research Command HCM | 1.0 |
Anomaly Suit | 0.7 |
Excavation Suit | 0.6 |
Anomaly Hood | 0.3 |
Excavation Hood | 0.2 |
Latex Gloves | 0.1 |
Science Goggles | 0.1 |
Guide for New Players ∙ Map of the SEV Torch ∙ Character Creation ∙ Roleplaying ∙ Controls ∙ User Interface ∙ Skills ∙ How to Sol Gov ∙ Paperwork | |
Alert Procedure ∙ General Regulations ∙ SCG Law ∙ Sol Code of Uniform Justice ∙ Standard Operating Procedure ∙ Uniform Guide ∙ Court Martial SOP | |
EVA and Internals ∙ Exploration ∙ Mining ∙ Ships ∙ Supply ∙ OFD | |
Chemistry ∙ Medicine ∙ Surgery | |
Atmospherics ∙ Computing ∙ Construction ∙ Hacking ∙ Robotics ∙ SMES Units ∙ Solars ∙ Supermatter ∙ Telecommunications ∙ R-UST | |
Anomalies ∙ Integrated Circuits ∙ Research and Development ∙ Xenoarchaeology ∙ Xenobiology ∙ Xenobotany | |
Combat ∙ Forensics | |
Cooking ∙ Drinks ∙ Hydroponics | |
Antagonist Uplinks ∙ Psionics | |
Appeals and Complaints ∙ Coding with NanoUI ∙ Server Moderation ∙ How to Apply: Moderator ∙ How to Apply: Species Apps ∙ Wiki Contribution |