Guide to Chemistry

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With access to a chemistry lab, you have the ability to make medicines, foam, toxins, explosions, smoke, and anything else, the likes of which are only inhibited by your imagination (and the game engine). Take caution in the lab, however, as uncontrolled reactions and not knowing what you're making can be very quickly hazardous to your health. Experiment at your own risk!

This guide will primarily be useful for Pharmacists, but is required reading for any Physician or Medical Technician as well, and may come in handy to any player – especially Traitors.

Агрегатные состояния химозы

Химикаты в игре могут принимать такие формы: жидкая, в форме таблетки, дыма, пены или в виде порошка


Жидкость - это основное состояние любого реагента с которым работают химики. Как не странно, это форму принимают напитки, химикаты и прочие, способные залезть в пробирку, ведро или в обычный стакан.

Химикаты, в жидкой форме, можно получить в Химическом раздатчике, размолов таблетку в измельчителе или растворив таблетку в уже имеющийся жидкости.

Щелочи, кислоты, и прочая медицина, которая способна не только причинять вред, в жидком состоянии применяются этими путями:

  • При прямом питье. Жидкость попадает в желудок, откуда благополучно уходит в кровоток.
  • При обливании игрока емкостью, наполненной жидкостью, в намерении вреда.
  • При непосредственном введении в кровоток с помощью шприца.
  • При использовании пипеткой на глаза.
  • При использовании пипетки на вскрытой части тела. Влияет на органы.
  • При использовании авто-инжекторов. Замена шприцу. Вводит химикаты моментально


Pills are pre-measured chemicals in a solid form, which can be swallowed by any mob with a mouth or force-fed by another mob. Pills are commonly found in the game world in pill bottles and emergency treatment kits.

Pills can be created using the ChemMaster 3000 by inserting a beaker with the desired chemicals, transferring them to the buffer, and selecting one of the ‘create pill’ options.

Pills can be consumed or administered by clicking on yourself or another mob with the pill in your active hand. Note that the target must have a mouth and cannot be wearing a mask or helmet that covers the mouth. Unlike injections, pills deposit chemicals into the mob's stomach instead of the bloodstream.


Smoke results from a chemical reaction and carries any other chemicals present in the container during the reaction. Any mobs within this smoke that are not breathing through internals or do not have a gas mask inhale these chemicals and are transferred to the mob's bloodstream. Additionally, any mobs or objects caught within the smoke are subject to any effects the chemical may have when touched or under physical contact, i.e., acid. This is commonly used for custom chemical smoke grenades and is the mechanism which tear gas grenades use.


Foam results from a chemical reaction and carries any other chemicals present in the container during the reaction. Any mobs or objects caught within the foam are subject to any effects the chemical may have when touched or under physical contact, i.e., acid. This is commonly used for custom chemical foam grenades.


Powdered chemicals are a solid form of chemical that can be snorted.

Powdered chemicals can be made using an ID card or a sharp object or tool on a pill, such as a knife.

Powdered chemicals can be inhaled by clicking on them using a straw or physical money. This transfers the chemical directly to your bloodstream. Pills can also be put into food, beakers, or other containers.

Managing the Lab

Being a Pharmacist mostly consists of sitting in your laboratory and moving beakers back and forth between the Chemical Dispenser and the ChemMaster 3000. When a beaker is in the Chemical Dispenser, you can put chemicals into it, and any reactions will take place automatically within the beaker. Once you have some medicine mixed up, move the beaker to the ChemMaster 3000 and create some bottles or pills, then put those in the Refrigerated Medicine Storage. This will allow the Physicians, Medical Technicians, and other Medical personnel to access them easily.

The primary base chemicals a Pharmacist uses are Acetone and Carbon. At the start of the round, it's advisable you order extra reagent cartridges through Supply to make sure you don't run out at an inopportune time.

Most medication in the game is built out from a handful of more basic formulas. Inaprovaline and Dylovene form the bases for many more complex medications. Both of these are pre-made and available throughout the infirmary, in bottled and pill form. As most Medical Technicians keep bottles of Inaprovaline and Dylovene on hand for emergencies, it is advised you use the pill bottles that can be found in the pill cabinets and medical storage; make sure the Physician or Chief Medical Officer is okay with you doing so.


The following machinery is available in order for you to mix your chemicals. In addition, your lab contains a variety of beakers, syringes, pills, and pill bottles at your disposal.

Equipment Icon Description
Chemical Dispenser Chemistry chemmaster 3000.png This is one of your two primary tools when performing pharmaceutical work. To operate it, load it with a container and choose the chemical and amount of chemical you want to dispense. You'll use this for much of your mixing work, so look up recipes below and go to town.

The Chemical Dispenser has limited amounts of its various chemicals available (500u). In order to replace the empty cartridge, use a  screwdriver on the dispenser and remove the empty cartridge, then use the new cartridge on the dispenser itself.

You can refill and rename the empty cartridges, allowing you to add commonly used non-basic chemicals to enable faster mixing of more complex chemicals. Click on the cartridge while it's in your hand to remove the cap and fill it, as with any other liquid container. Right-click and set label to change the name, then reinsert into the Chemical Dispenser.

The chemicals that can be found in your dispenser are listed in the Base Chemicals section below.

ChemMaster 3000 Chemistry dispenser.png The other of your primary tools for creating medication. The ChemMaster 3000, like the Chemical Dispenser, can have beakers or bottles loaded into it. Rather than adding things to the beaker, though, the ChemMaster 3000 removes them, and places them into new bottles or pills for easy injection or consumption. This is how you take the medicines you've mixed up and put them into bottles for your Physicians to use.
All-In-One Grinder Chemistry reagent grinder.png The grinder takes whatever you can load into it and breaks it down into a liquid chemical form. You can use it to grind Phoron crystals into liquid, as you need it for several medications, but you can also use it to grind various pills into liquid form for easy mixing and bottling. It also serves as a handy "oops" button in case you create pills with the wrong dosage and need to start over.
Refrigerated Medicine Storage Chemistry fridge.png This is where the medications you've bottled up, or the pill bottles you've filled, are stored. It's accessible from the Infirmary storage room, and is where most of your interaction with the rest of Medical staff will take place – they arrive here, dispense the medications they want, and are on their merry way, while you yell at them for draining your precious stores just to keep a handful of schmucks from killing themselves.

Base Chemicals

The following chemicals serve as the building blocks for all other chemical recipes (barring a few exotic ingredients). They can all be found in your Chemical Dispenser, except for Phoron and Uranium, which must be obtained by grinding mineral sheets – several sheets of Phoron are available in your laboratory. Effects of these base chemicals (if any) are included below.

Chemical Effect Chemical Effect
Токсичен. Может растворять чернила на бумаге.
Слегка токсичен
Медленно выводит остальные реагенты из кровотока.
Выручалка для любого заядлого алкоголика. Огнеопасен, токсичен. Может растворять чернила на бумаге.
Токсичен и огнеопасен
Hydrochloric Acid
Кислота, способная плавить и наносить химические ожоги объектам и людям соответственно.
Медленно повышает уровень крови
Вызывает подергивания, судороги и обильное слюновыделение. Не позволяет ходить нормально.
Наносит урон мозгу. Вызывает подергивания, судороги и обильное слюновыделение. Не позволяет ходить нормально. Phosphorus
Чрезвычайно токсичен, чертовски огнеопасен. Провоцирует токсичное облачко при проливании на пол. Невозможно синтезировать.
Радиоактивен. Оставляет люминесцентную зеленую лужицу на полу при проливании.
Позволяет утолить голод. Полезен для Унати
Sulphuric Acid
Кислота, способная плавить и наносить химические ожоги объектам и людям соответственно.
Радиоактивен. Оставляет люминесцентную зеленую лужицу на полу при проливании. Невозможно синтезировать.
Вода. Плохо пахнет. Утоляет жажду. Замерзает при 0C и кипит при 100C.


These are the vast majority of chemical mixtures available in-game. There may or may not be others if you can get your hands on more exotic ingredients, like slime cores, but their effects can be wild and dangerous if you aren't careful. Experiment at your own risk!

Note: When a reagent in a recipe is labeled "(catalyst)", that means it will not be consumed in the reaction.


The vast majority of chemicals you will be called on to make. Typically, a small amount of each should be kept on hand. Assuming the medical team is not incompetent, they should be able to keep everyone alive and quite healthy with your assistance.

An underlined chemical indicates it is a compound chemical and requires additional reactions, or is otherwise unavailable directly from the Chemical Dispenser and requires additional steps to obtain. Links lead to the corresponding chemicals or plants.

Имя Рецепт Применение Метаболизм Порог передозировки
1u Inaprovaline
1u Hyperzine
1u Dexalin Plus
Used as a cardiac stimulant.

Any dose over 4u can restart a flat-lined heart. Note that the heart will stop again if the underlying cause isn't treat. Also acts as a weak painkiller. Can cause shaking, increased heart rate, and minor heart damage.
0.1/t 20u
1u Dylovene
1u Hydrochloric Acid
1u Ammonia
Лечит повреждения мозга.

Требует не менее 85% оксигенации. Провоцирует мутность сознания, размытое зрение и потерю сознания.
0.05/t 30u
1u Paracetamol
1u Carbon
Повышает иммунитет для подавления бактериальных инфекций.

Передозировка провоцирует серьезную наркотическую интоксикацию и галлюцинации
0.01/t 60u
1u Hyronalin
1u Hydrazine
Выводит радиацию быстрее чем Hyronalin.

Провоцирует травмы. Не лечит генетический урон. В большинстве случаев, рекомендуется вводить вместе с Dylovene.
0.05/t 30u
1u Inaprovaline
1u Carbon
Затягивает раны.

Может остановить внешнее кровотечение со временем. Лечит многие виды ранений и затягивает хирургические надрезы. Передозировка может вылечить внутренне кровотечение.
0.2/t 30u
Restores a patient's blood volume when injected or administer intraveniously. Must be the correct blood type and species for the patient, or else will cause blood poisoning.

Available in IV bags, which can be found in Medical or ordered from Supply. Also found in humans and many other lifeforms. Also found in blood tomatos, though this blood is untyped and will cause poisoning in all patients.
1u Mindbreaker Toxin
1u Carbon

(Produces 3u instead of 2u)
Сильный антидепрессант, механически ничего не меняет

Стабилизирует психику, используется для лечения легкой депрессии и тревожности.
1u Cryoxadone
1u Sodium

Temperature below -75C
More effective than Cryoxadone.

Requires temperatures below 170K to function. Treats organ damage and genetic degradation when administered via Cryotube, and provides oxygenation. Decomposes into equal parts Cryoxadone and Sodium at temperatures above 50C.
An experimental coagulant capable of staunching both internal and external bleeding.

An Antagonist-only chemical found in Combat Stimulants. Capable of closing external bleeding as well as internal arterial bleeds.

1u Dexalin
1u Water
1u Acetone

Temperature below -25C
Used in cryotanks. Treats brute and burn damage. Treats genetic degradation. Provides oxygenation.

Requires temperatures below 170K to function. Do not inject or swallow. Treats organ damage.
Crystallizing Agent
1u Polytrinic Acid
1u Silicon
1u Tungsten

Temperature 150C to 200C
Used to treat damage to crystalline entities, such as Golems.

Do not use on organic patients. Can also be isolated from an adamantine slime core.
An effective painkiller that causes confusion.

Found only in autoinjectors in medical pouches.
0.02/t 15u
1u Kelotane
1u Acetone
1u Phosphorus

Temperature below -50C
Treats burn damage. Prevents infection.

More effective than Kelotane in every respect.
0.2/t 15u
2u Acetone
0.1u Phoron

(Produces 1u instead of 2.1u)
Supplies artificial oxygen to the bloodstream, causing the brain to act as though it is receiving 50% of maximum oxygen from the lungs even if the lungs have failed.

Removes Lexorin from bloodstream. Requires blood flow to function. Dexalin Plus is usually preferred over Dexalin. Can be administered in a sleeper.
0.2/t 30u
Dexalin Plus
1u Dexalin
1u Carbon
1u Iron
As Dexalin, but 80% oxygenation.

Removes Lexorin from bloodstream. Requires blood flow to function. Usually preferred over Dexalin.
0.2/t 15u
1u Silicon
1u Ammonia
1u Potassium
A broad-spectrum anti-toxin. Treats toxin damage, shortens the duration of drug-related hallucinations and sleepiness, and removes toxic substances from the blood.

Provides minor healing to the liver, as long as it is not decaying or necrotic. Can be administered in a sleeper.
1u Dylovene
1u Acetone
1u Carbon
Neutralizes alcohol in the blood stream. Also treats dizziness, sleepiness, and stuttering.

Produces water when combined with ethanol.
0.2/t 30u
Restores nutrition to the patient. Unlike other forms of nutrients, can be administered intravenously via IV injection or syringe. Particularly useful for species with hyperactive metabolisms, such as Unathi.

Found in glucose IV bags, available in the Medical Bay. More bags can be ordered from Supply.
1u Dylovene
1u Radium
Removes radiation from the patient's system.

Does not treat toxin damage. Does not treat genetic degradation. In most cases, should be administered with Dylovene.
0.05/t 30u
1u Dylovene
1u Hydrazine
1u Carbon
Treats damage to the eyes.

Does not treat damage caused by genetic degradation. Will not revive decaying or necrotic eyes.
0.2/t 30u
1u Dylovene
1u Cryptobiolin

Temperature above 40C
Treats immune system damage.

Will only restore immune system to half strength. Requires large doses.
0.2/t 30u
1u Acetone
1u Carbon
1u Sugar
Reduces bleeding. Brings a slowed or elevated pulse closer towards baseline. Allows a patient undergoing cardiac arrest to breathe. Heals minor brain damage and reduces brain damage dealt by lack of oxygen flow. Helps against suffocation effects of opioid (Tramadol or Oxycodone) poisoning.

Will not allow breathing if lungs have also failed. Can be administered in a sleeper.
0.1/t 60u
1u Silicon
1u Carbon
Treats burn damage. Prevents infection. 0.2/t 30u
1u Silicon
1u Copper
5u Phoron (catalyst)
Stabilizes body temperature.

Can be used to bring down a high fever before antibiotics kick in, or to raise the temperature of a hypothermia patient. Heating or cooling will create Pyrogenic or Cryogenic Leporazine, which raise or lower body temperature, respectively. Cool Pyrogenic or heat Cryogenic to turn it back into normal Leporazine.
0.2/t 30u
1u Mindbreaker Toxin
1u Lithium

(Produces 3u instead of 2u)
Helps you concentrate. Mechanically does nothing.

Used in treatment of ADHD.
Nanite Fluid
1u Cryoxadone
1u Aluminium
1u Iron
5u Phoron (catalyst)

Temperature below -25C
Heals prosthetic body parts.

Must be used in conjunction with Cryoxadone and/or Clonexadone
1u Dexalin Plus
1u Iron
1u Blood
Turns into blood when injected, restoring the patient's blood volume. 1u of NanoBlood provides 4u of normal blood.

Very low OD threshold, administer through an IV to be safe. If used a lot in same patient (~70u), can lower their anti-viral immunity, as most of blood has been replaced.
1.0/t 5u
1u Oxycodone
1u Dylovene
Prevents convulsions and jitters. 0.2/t 30u
1u Tramadol
1u Ethanol
5u Phoron (catalyst)

(Produces 1u instead of 2u)
Powerful painkiller.

Opioid; highly addictive. Causes slurring, slowed movement, and falling in higher doses. Becomes toxic and suppresses breathing if taken with alcohol. Controlled substance.
0.02/t 20u
1u Tramadol
1u Sugar
1u Water

(Produces 1u instead of 3u)
Mild painkiller.

Essentially Tylenol. Can be administered in a sleeper.
0.02/t 60u
1u Mindbreaker Toxin
1u Inaprovaline
1u Acetone
Strong antidepressant, can cause hallucinations.

Prescribed for extreme depression.
1u Bicaridine
1u Clonexadone
5u Phoron (catalyst)

(Produces 1u instead of 2u)
Treats damage to organs, so long as they are not dead or necrotic.cDoes not treat brain damage. When administering 1u surgically, will revive decaying organs. Cannot revive necrotic organs. 0.1/t 10u
Resin Globule
1u Crystallizing Agent
2u Silicon
1u Phoron (catalyst)

(Produces a stack of three resin globules)
A lump of slick, shiny resin. Used to repair damage to inorganic body parts, though risks causing damage and brittleness.

Heals both brute and burn damage. Can be used to treat cybernetic limbs, as well as mechanical and crystalline lifeforms (such as IPC and Adherents). Does not work on station-bound robots.

Has a 30% chance to cause prosthetic limbs to become brittle, which makes the limb more susceptible to damage and requires Robotic Limb Reinforcement to fix. Additionally, has a chance to deal brute damage to the limb, dependent on Complex Devices skill. The chance increases by 20% for each skill level below Master.
1u Carpotoxin
1u Cryptobiolin
1u Copper

(Produces 1u instead of 3u)
A powder with almost magical properties – rapidly heals damage to organs so long as they are not necrotic, and treats burn, brute, and genetic damage.

Causes disfigurement if administered in doses higher than 3u.
0.2/t 30u
1u Arithrazine
1u Carbon

(Produces 1u instead of 2u)
Treats disabilities and mutations.

Any amount of 0.1 or more is fully effective.
0.2/t 30u
1u Inaprovaline
1u Cryptobiolin

(Produces 1u instead of 2u)
A theta-lactam antibiotic. Slows progression of diseases. Treats infections.

Has a chance to permanently damage a patients immune system if overdosed.
0.02/t 15u
1u Lithium
1u Sugar
1u Water

Temperature above 30C
Treats hallucinations, paralysis, and stunned or weakened patients

Highly toxic. Recommended dosage at under 5 units. Metabolizes very slowly. Controlled substance.
0.01/t 5u
1u Inaprovaline
1u Ethanol
1u Acetone

Stronger than Paracetamol. Weaker than Oxycodone. Will prevent patients from entering cardiac arrest due to pain. Opioid; causes slurring, slowed movement, and falling in higher doses. Becomes toxic and suppresses breathing if taken with alcohol.
0.05/t 30u
1u Dylovene
1u Inaprovaline
Heals both brute and burn damage, albeit slowly.

Can be administered in a sleeper (by mixing Dylovene and Inaprovaline).
1u Dylovene
1u Spaceacillin
1u Spider Venom

Temperature 50C to 100C

(Produces 1u instead of 3u)
Neutralizes venom in the blood

A powerful anti-venom, good for dealing with spider attacks. To get the necessary venom, perform dialysis on a spider victim.

Other Recipes

These are either pure reactions that typically leave nothing remaining or other chemicals that have non-medicinal uses. Many of these are useful in the manufacture of grenades, but many can be quite dangerous.

An underlined chemical indicates it is a compound chemical and requires additional reactions, or is otherwise unavailable directly from the Chemical Dispenser and requires additional steps to obtain. All links lead to the corresponding chemicals. All links lead to the corresponding chemicals.

Name Recipes Application Controlled Substance Immediate Reaction Injectable
Advanced Mutation Toxin
Inject 1u Phoron into a black slime core. An advanced corruptive toxin produced by slimes.

Turns the recipient into a slime.
No No Yes
Byproduct of Amatoxin poisoning. The secondary product of amatoxin poisoning, so long as amatoxin remains in the system Amaspores will lay dormant. Yes No Yes
Grind Destroying Angel or Fly Amanita. A powerful delayed poison, will initially cause a moderate allergic reaction in the host while producing a large dose of inert spores. Once the Amatoxin has run it's course the spores will come to life and cause severe organ damage, large doses are very slow to act but will cause an extreme amount of damage.

Decomposes into denatured toxin at temperatures above 100C.
Yes No Yes
2u Hydrazine
2u Carbon
1u Sulphuric Acid
Creates a large cloud of foam when mixed with an equal amount of water.

Best used with Space Cleaner. Or vomit and blood.
No No No
Grind Algae. A dark, nearly opaque, red-orange, toxic element used in the production of various pestkillers. No No Yes
1u Radium
1u Protein
1u Unstable Mutagen
Causes rapid hair and beard growth when applied. Usually used after radiation hair loss. Often combined with Hair Dye.

Used across the Sol system by balding men to retrieve their lost youth.
No No No
Grind Carp Meat. A deadly toxin produced by the dreaded space carp, that greatly interferes with blood circulation.

Decomposes into denatured toxin at temperatures above 100C.
Yes No Yes
Chloral Hydrate
1u Ethanol
3u Hydrochloric Acid
1u Water

(Produces 1u instead of 5u)
A powerful sedative which causes near instant sleepiness and can be deadly in large quantities.

Effect is countered by Dylovene. Can be mixed with Soporific to make a surgical sedative!
Yes No Yes
Condensed Capsaicin
2u Capsaicin
5u Phoron (catalyst)

(Produces 1u instead of 2u)
Spiciness, now in crunchy, deadly form. No No No
1u Tungsten
1u Acetone
1u Water
An industrial cooling substance.

Twice as efficient as water at cooling, but may cool to temperatures below 20C, potentially causing issues with freezing.
No No Yes
Crayon Dust
Grind a crayon. Intensely coloured powder obtained by grinding crayons.

Used to make paint. Crayons can be bought from "Good Clean Fun" vendors. Colour depends on the crayon used. Embrace your inner child!
No No Yes
1u Potassium
1u Acetone
1u Sugar

Temperature 30C to 60C
Causes confusion and dizziness on its own, but is an essential component of Spaceacillin.

Decomposes into equal parts potassium, acetone, and sugar at temperatures above 60C.
No No Yes
Crystallizing Agent
1u Silicon
1u Tungsten
1u Polytrinic Acid

Temperature 150C to 200C
Used to treat damage to crystalline entities, such as Golems. Do not use on organic patients.

Can also be isolated from an adamantine slime core.
No No Yes
Grind Poison Apple. A highly toxic chemical.

Causes severe and rapid damage to the heart, putting the victim into nearly instant cardiac arrest.
Yes No Yes
1u Ammonia
1u Ethanol
A very potent fertilizer.

Win over the Botanist's heart with this concoction!
No No Yes
Denatured Toxin
Heat 1u Toxin, Amatoxin, Carpotoxin, or Spider Venom

Temperature above 100C.
The product of heating certain toxic or poisonous chemicals.

Once toxic, now harmless.
No No Yes
10u Water
5u Oxyphoron

(Produces 1 Deuterium ingot)
Deuterium is very useful for fusion, especially the RUST Engine!

Fuck up enough with mixing Phoron and water? You get something useful! Yay.
Yes Yes No
Non-toxic artificial coloration used for food and drinks. When mixed with reagents, the compound will take on the dye's coloration.

Comes in regular and extra-strength varieties.
No No Yes
1u Uranium
1u Iron
Creates a large electromagnetic pulse which affects all electronic devices, including prosthetic limbs, eyes, and hearts.

More quantity that reacts causes a larger EMP. ~100 for an EMP a bit smaller than an EMP grenade, ~200 for 4 tiles larger.
Yes Yes No
1u Potassium
1u Water
- OR -
1u Gunpowder heated above 200C
Basic explosion mostly used in grenade production.

Can cause serious damage. More units mixed at once, more damage.
Yes Yes No
Flash Powder
1u Sulfur
1u Potassium
1u Aluminium
Creates a flash and loud bang on mixing.

Used in flash bangs.
No Yes No
Foaming Agent
1u Lithium
1u Hydrazine

(Produces 1u instead of 2u)
Makes foam such as that required in metal foam grenades. No Yes No
1u Azosurfactant
1u Water
Makes a large amount of foam upon mixing. Carries any reagents in the container with it.

Useful for filling grenades with Space Cleaner - or other, more dubious chemicals.
No Yes No
3u Corn Oil
1u Sulphuric Acid

(Produces 1u instead of 4u)
This is only useful in other reactions. No No Yes
1u Sodium Chloride
1u Potassium Nitrate
1u Sulfur
The earliest chemical explosive known to mankind.

Creates a mid-sized explosion when heated above 200C. More powerful than Potassium-Water explosions, less powerful than high-grade explosives like Nitroglycerin.
Yes No Yes
Hair Dye
1u Ammonia
1u Universal Enzyme
Colours the user's hair into the colour that was mixed in. Usually combined with Capilliumate for maximum style freedom.

Hair dye by itself does nothing; it must be first combined with Crayon Dust. Outside of the base crayon colours, Black is Red+Blue+Yellow, Light Brown is Brown + Universal Enzyme and White is Grey + Universal Enzyme. If you're feeling lucky, you can mix the hair dye with Unstable Mutagen for a chaotic, random colour result.
No No Yes
Hair Remover
1u Radium
1u Potassium
1u Hydrochloric Acid
Does what it says on the tin.

It really does.
No No Yes
1u Mercury
1u Sugar
1u Lithium

Temperature above 50C
An illegal compound which induces a number of effects such as loss of balance and hallucinations.

Colloquially known as "Space Drugs". Gives you confusion and makes you drool, giggle, moan and twitch.
Yes No Yes
1u Sugar
1u Phosphorous
1u Sulphur
Muscle stimulant. Allows greater freedom of movement.

Side effects include twitching, nervousness and addiction. Can cause minor heart damage due to high BPM.
Yes No Yes
1u Mercury
1u Acetone
1u Sugar

(Produces 2u instead of 3u)
A narcotic that impedes one's ability by slowing down the higher brain cell functions.

Causes massive brain damage, confusion, drooling and jitteriness.
Yes No Yes
Lactic Acid
A chemical produced by the body during strenuous exercise.

It often correlates with elevated heart rate, shortness of breath, and general exhaustion.
No No Yes
1u Phoron
1u Hydrazine
1u Ammonia
Temporarily stops respiration and reacts with oxygen in the blood to cause tissue damage, extremely dangerous and skin permeable.

Countered by Dexalin and Dexalin Plus. Frequently used by Traitors and Changelings!
Yes No Yes
1u Sodium Chloride
1u Ethanol
1u Radium
Causes weight loss upon consumption (lowers satiation level).

Can prove quite deadly to any species that requires nutrition to survive – particularly Unathi.
No No Yes
2u Hydrazine
2u Carbon
2u Ammonia
Reveals blood!

A space noir detective's best friend.
No No Yes
Tastes naturally minty, and imparts a very mild numbing sensation.

Found in some flavors of cigarette and e-cig.
No No Yes
Metal Foam
3u Iron/Aluminium
1u Foaming Agent
1u Polytrinic Acid
Creates lightweight metal foam walls. These can be easily torn through, but may be useful for plugging hull breaches. Can be made with either iron or aluminium.

Engineers will love you if you make this grenade.
No Yes No
Methyl Bromide
1u Bromide
1u Ethanol
1u Hydrazine
Methyl Bromide kills spiderlings and egg sacs when injected.

Algae also produce it as a gas.
No No Yes
Mindbreaker Toxin
1u Silicon
1u Hydrazine
1u Dylovene

Temperature from 75C to 100C
A potent hallucinogenic compound. Formerly known as LSD, but was renamed so people understand that it is not a "fun time".

Causes hallucinations. Is used in certain implant devices for potency.
Yes No Yes
Mutation Toxin
Inject 1u Phoron into a green slime core. A corruptive toxin produced by slimes.

Turns the recipient into a slimeperson. Be sure to isolate mutation toxin from the slime jelly inside the core before application, unless you would like to die horribly.
No No Yes
1u Aluminium
1u Sulphuric Acid
1u Glycerol
- OR -
1u Plasticide
1u Welding Fuel
Creates a large fire.

Hot hot ooph ouchie hot hot
Yes Yes No
Grind Succulent Tobacco, or take up smoking. A sickly yellow liquid sourced from tobacco leaves. Stimulates and relaxes the mind and body.

Also produced when smoking tobacco. Can result in an increased heart rate at high doses.
No No Yes
1u Glycerol
1u Polytrinic Acid
1u Sulphuric Acid
A heavy, colourless, oily, explosive liquid obtained by nitrating glycerol. EXPLODES!

Makes a reasonably sized bang.
Yes Yes No
1u Water
1u Phoron
Made from mixing water and phoron. Very flammable!

Usually made by a novice Pharmacist accidentally mixing water and Phoron. Always remove water before adding Phoron!
Yes No Yes
Paint (Crayon Dust)
1u Plasticide
3u Water
1u Crayon Dust
Paint, the non-makeshift kind. Replace crayon dust with aluminium for white paint.

Paint the Chapel in a new color, then get arrested for vandalizing the Chemistry wall.
No No Yes
Paint (Makeshift)
1u Plasticide
3u Water
5u 'Coloring Agent'

(Produces 5u instead of 9u)
Paint, the ghetto kind. Coloring agents include blood, milk, orange juice, tomato juice, lime juice, carrot juice, berry juice, grape juice, poison berry juice, watermelon juice, lemon juice, banana juice, potato juice, carbon, or aluminum.

Make your maintenance stowaway sanctuary into a love shack with these simple tricks!
No No Yes
1u Aluminium
1u Phoron
1u Sulphuric Acid
Creates a spreading phoron fire upon mixing.
Watch out!
Yes Yes No
1u Toxin
4u Water
A potent herbicide which is useful to replace the limited supply the botany garden starts with.

Decomposes into one part Toxin and four parts water at temperatures above 100C.

Does not in fact work on Dionaea. Stop spritzing them!
No No Yes
10u Polytrinic Acid
20u Plasticide

(Produces 1 sheet of Plastic)
Create your complex polymer, today! No Yes No
Grind Plastellium. Liquid plastic. Do not eat.

Used in the production of various polymers and paints.
No No Yes
Polytrinic Acid
1u Potassium
1u Sulphuric Acid
1u Hydrochloric Acid
An extremely corrosive chemical substance. Will destroy organic materials when sprayed or splashed, leaving a telltale gray sludge behind.

Does extreme damage to organics. Use it seriously... or put it in the Space Cleaner bottle.
Yes No Yes
Potassium Chloride
1u Potassium
1u Sodium Chloride

Temperature above 60C
A delicious salt that stops the heart when injected into cardiac muscle. Yes No Yes
Potassium Chlorophoride
1u Potassium Chloride
1u Phoron
1u Chloral Hydrate

(Produces 3u instead of 4u)
A specific chemical based on Potassium Chloride to stop the heart for surgery. Not safe to eat!

Despite the description, can be used as a spice by Traitors. Very tasty!
Yes No Yes
Potassium Nitrate
1u Acetone
1u Potassium
1u Welding Fuel

Temperature above 200C
Also known as Saltpetre. Useful as a fertilizer.

Greatly boosts plant yield.
No No Yes
Grind Reishi, O’krri Mushroom, Iridast, Destroying Angel, or Fly Amanita. A strong psychotropic derived from certain species of mushroom.

Far out, man.
Yes No Yes
A chemical compound that promotes concentrated production of the serotonin neurotransmitter in humans.

Can cause twitching, drooling, moaning, and shortness of breath.

Yes No Yes
Slime Jelly
Extract from a slime core. A gooey semi-liquid produced from one of the deadliest lifeforms in existence.

Extremely toxic.
Yes No Yes
1u Potassium
1u Sugar
1u Phosphorous
This creates a large cloud of smoke that will take on the properties of everything (if anything) in the container of the reaction. Not very useful if not made in a bomb.

Best used by robust Pharmacists and Traitors alike. Make everything from Bicaridine-bombs to Chloral Hydrate-bombs!
No Yes No
Sodium Chloride
1u Sodium
1u Hydrochloric Acid
Commonly known as salt, used in seasoning foods. No No No
Solid Phoron
5u Iron
20u Phoron

Temperature below 5C

(Produces 1 sheet of solid Phoron)
Phoron solidification. Yes Yes No
1u Chloral Hydrate
4u Sugar
A less powerful sedative that takes a while to work.

Can be counteracted with Dexalin.
No No Yes
Space Cleaner
1u Water
1u Ammonia
This is able to clean almost all surfaces of almost anything that may dirty them. The janitor is likely to appreciate refills.

Commonly found in Space Cleaner bottles (which are 250u in volume). People do not slip on it, meaning janitors can add it to their carts! Blood cleaned by Space Cleaner is visible with Luminol and UV lights.
No No Yes
Spider Venom
Perform dialysis on a spider victim. A deadly necrotic toxin produced by giant spiders to disable their prey.

Decomposes into denatured toxin at temperatures above 100C.
Yes No Yes
1u Ethanol
1u Dylovene
1u Hydrochloric Acid
Sterilizes wounds in preparation for surgery, removes blood permanently.

Cleans blood from the floor permanently, removes germs from a wound (sort of a ghetto disinfection in lieu of an ointment/a burn kit).
No No Yes
5u Blood
1u Clonexadone

(Produces 1 slab of Synthmeat)
Used as an alternative to biogenerators for making organic organs/limbs!

Use this when you run out of points in the generator.
No Yes No
A dark, viscous liquid, historically found in asphalt.

Separates into acetone, carbon, and ethanol above 145C.
No No Yes
Grind yew planks. A potent cardiotoxin found in nearly every part of the common yew. Yes No Yes
1u Iron
1u Aluminium
1u Acetone
A mixture that becomes extremely hot when ignited, and which can burn straight through walls when applied and ignited.

Burn things easily, including walls.
No No No
Three Eye
2u Mindbreaker Toxin
1u Phoron
1u Blood
1u Carpotoxin (catalyst)
1u Universal Enzyme (catalyst)

Temperature above 40C

(Produces 2u instead of 4u)
Increases the psychic rank of latent psions.

Highly illegal drug. Stimulates rarely used portions of the brain.
Yes No Yes
Grind Death Berry, Poison Berry, or Ambrosia Vulgaris. A toxic chemical.

Can be found in the NanoMed or NanoMed Plus. Decomposes into denatured toxin at temperatures above 100C.
Yes No Yes
Universal Enzyme
Obtain from the kitchen, or grind Pineapple. An enzyme used in the preparation of certain chemicals and foods. No No Yes
Unstable Mutagen
1u Radium
1u Phosphorous
1u Hydrochloric Acid
Causes mutations when injected into living people or plants. High doses may be lethal, especially in humans. Only useful for Botany and, with the advent of cosmetics, for the creation of Capilliumate and Hair Dye. Will cause mutations and radiation poisoning if ingested.

No, you won't get any superpowers, unless you consider cancer to be one.
Yes No Yes
Vecuronium Bromide
1u Ethanol
2u Mercury
2u Hydrazine

(Produces 1u instead of 5u)
A paralytic drug that incapacitates a target, leaving them awake and able to speak in a whisper, but not able to move.

A powerful paralytic.
No No Yes
1u Acetone
2u Hydrazine

(Produces 2u instead of 3u)
Sure is wet, that water.

H2O, baby.
No No Yes
Welding Fuel
A stable hydrazine-based compound whose exact manufacturing specifications are a closely-guarded secret. One of the most common fuels in human space. Extremely flammable.

Can be obtained from fuel tanks around the ship.
No No Yes
Zombie Powder
5u Carpotoxin
5u Soporific
5u Copper

Temperature 90C to 99C
(Produces 2u instead of 15u)
Paralyzes people, and makes them appear dead to the most rudimentary of tests.

Decomposes into equal parts Carpotoxin, Soporific, and copper at temperatures above 100C.

Wanna be teleported to the Morgue? Use this!
Yes No Yes

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